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Higher Henan refractory output in Apr-May signals recovering operations

机译:4月份河南耐火材料输出较高 - 可以恢复操作

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Henan refractory production recovered in April and May compared with the first quarter of 2020 with more enterprises returning to normal but refractory raw materials’ markets remain under pressure under a broadly sluggish market. Refractories production in Henan rose to 2.62 million tonnes in April-May, up by 66% from total output in the first quarter of 1.58 million tonnes, according to data from the Henan Association of Refractories. Output of refractory materials in Henan reached 4.2 million tonnes in the first five months of the year, with more than half of that produced in April and May. The association did not provide the year-on-year change for the first five months.
机译:河南耐火材料生产于4月份恢复,可与2020年第一季度相比,返回正常但耐火材料的市场的更多企业在广泛缓慢的市场下仍然受到压力的压力。 根据河南耐火材料的数据,河南省河南省的耐火材料产量升至2月2日至5月至5月至5.58万吨的66%。 年前五个月的河南耐火材料产量达到420万吨,4月和5月份生产的一半以上。 该协会没有为前五个月提供同比变革。



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