首页> 外文期刊>Autism research: official journal of the International Society for Autism Research >The role of reduced expression of fragile X mental retardation protein in neurons and increased expression in astrocytes in idiopathic and syndromic autism (duplications 15q11.2‐q13)

The role of reduced expression of fragile X mental retardation protein in neurons and increased expression in astrocytes in idiopathic and syndromic autism (duplications 15q11.2‐q13)


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Fragile X syndrome (FXS), caused by lack of fragile X mental retardation protein (FMRP), is associated with a high prevalence of autism. The deficit of FMRP reported in idiopathic autism suggests a mechanistic overlap between FXS and autism. The overall goal of this study is to detect neuropathological commonalities of FMRP deficits in the brains of people with idiopathic autism and with syndromic autism caused by dup15q11.2‐q13 (dup15). This study tests the hypothesis based on our preliminary data that both idiopathic and syndromic autism are associated with brain region‐specific deficits of neuronal FMRP and structural changes of the affected neurons. This immunocytochemical study revealed neuronal FMRP deficits and shrinkage of deficient neurons in the cerebral cortex, subcortical structures, and cerebellum in subjects with idiopathic and dup(15)/autism. Neuronal FMRP deficit coexists with surprising infiltration of the brains of autistic children and adults with FMRP‐positive astrocytes known to be typical only for the fetal and short postnatal periods. In the examined autistic subjects, these astrocytes selectively infiltrate the border between white and gray matter in the cerebral and cerebellar cortex, the molecular layer of the cortex, part of the amygdala and thalamus, central cerebellar white matter, and dentate nucleus. Astrocyte pathology results in an additional local loss of FMRP in neurons and their shrinkage. Neuronal deficit of FMRP and shrinkage of affected neurons in structures free of FMRP‐positive astrocytes and regions infiltrated with FMRP‐expressing astrocytes appear to reflect mechanistic, neuropathological, and functional commonalities of FMRP abnormalities in FXS and autism spectrum disorder. Autism Res 2018, 11: 1316–1331 . ? 2018 International Society for Autism Research, Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Lay summary Immunocytochemistry reveals a deficit of fragile X mental retardation protein (FMRP) in neurons of cortical and subcortical brain structures but increased FMRP expression in astrocytes infiltrating gray and white matter. The detected shrinkage of FMRP‐deficient neurons may provide a mechanistic explanation of reported neuronal structural and functional changes in autism. This study contributes to growing evidence of mechanistic commonalities between fragile X syndrome and autism spectrum disorder.
机译:由于缺乏脆弱的X心理迟滞蛋白(FMRP)引起的脆弱X综合征(FXS)与自闭症的高患病率有关。特发性自闭症中报告的FMRP的缺陷表明FXS和自闭症之间的机制重叠。本研究的总体目标是检测具有特发性自闭症的人们的大脑中FMRP缺陷的神经病理学常见,并由Dup15Q11.2-Q13(DUP15)引起的综合征自闭症。本研究基于我们的初步数据测试假设,即特发性和综合征自闭症与脑区特异性FMRP的特异性缺陷和受影响神经元的结构变化相关。这种免疫细胞化学研究揭示了脑皮质,皮质结构缺乏神经元的神经元FMRP缺陷和收缩,具有特发性和杜普(15)/自闭症的受试者中的受试者。神经元FMRP赤字共存,令人惊讶的渗透自闭症儿童和成人大脑,患有FMRP阳性星形胶质细胞,仅为胎儿和短期后期典型。在检查的自闭虫受试者中,这些星形胶质细胞在脑和小脑皮层中选择性地渗透了白细胞和灰质物质之间的边界,皮质的分子层,杏仁达拉和丘脑,中央小脑白物和牙齿核。星形胶质细胞病理结果导致神经元中的局部FMRP丢失及其收缩。没有FMRP阳性星形胶质细胞和用FMRP表达的星形胶质细胞渗透的结构中FMRP的神经元缺陷和受影响的神经元的收缩似乎反映了FXS和自闭症谱系疾病中FMRP异常的机械,神经病理学和功能性常见。自闭症es 2018,11:1316-1331。还2018年国际自闭症研究协会,Wiley期刊,Inc。Lay概述免疫细胞化学揭示了皮质和皮质脑结构神经元的脆弱X心理延迟蛋白(FMRP)的缺陷,但在渗透灰色和白质的星形胶质细胞中增加了FMRP表达。检测到的FMRP缺陷神经元的收缩可以提供报告的神经元结构和功能变化的机械解释。该研究有助于脆弱X综合征与自闭症谱系疾病之间的机械共性的证据。



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