首页> 外文期刊>Arid Ecosystems >Desertification paradigm: 40 years of development and global efforts

Desertification paradigm: 40 years of development and global efforts


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Abstract In light of the 40th anniversary of the United Nations Conference on Desertification and the 20th anniversary of the empowerment of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD), the periodization is given and the main stages in the development of international efforts to combat desertification and changes in the desertification paradigm are examined. The UNCCD initiatives, which require serious scientific study at the present stage, are reviewed, including the actively developed concept of land-degradation neutrality. A conclusion is drawn about the need to expand the mandate of the UNCCD beyond the narrow geographic scope of arid and dry regions.
机译:<标题>摘要 ara>根据联合国荒漠化会议和赋予联合国促进荒漠化公约(荒漠化公约)的授权20周年纪念日(荒漠化荒漠化),所以给予的主要情况 审查了在制定国际努力发展荒漠化和荒漠化范式的变化的阶段。 在审查本阶段需要严重科学研究的荒漠化公约举措,包括积极开发的土地退化中立概念。 绘制了一个结论,需要扩大荒漠化公约的任务范围超越干旱和干旱地区的狭窄地理范围。



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