首页> 外文期刊>Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences >A unified descriptive method for analysing artificial cranial deformation from a palaeopathological perspective

A unified descriptive method for analysing artificial cranial deformation from a palaeopathological perspective


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The study's goal is to propose a unified descriptive method for analysing artificial cranial deformation (ACD) in order to achieve consistent descriptions as well as to document the modification from a palaeopathological perspective. A number of examinations have dealt with the fact that ACD can either directly cause or predispose the formation of pathological and neurological lesions. The bulk of earlier studies only have focused on one or a few deviations in detail. The basic research aim was to assemble all previously described lesions which could be related to ACD; in addition, a further deviation undescribed as yet is also noted. Present and ongoing studies enable the development of a unified approach for the observation and description of ACD. Authors also suggest a data collector sheet based on previously published morphological alterations. This study makes an attempt to serve as a basis or a first step towards creating a general, standardized method to detect pathological alterations on ACD skulls and to distinguish ACD and non-ACD skulls from each other. In this paper, pathological consequences of ACD in ten individuals excavated from two contemporaneous cemeteries dated to the Hun-Germanic Period (fifth-sixth century AD) were investigated in an attempt to elucidate pathological lesions caused by ACD and to shed light on the possible connections between the type or the extent of deformation and the lesions appearing on ACD skulls. X-ray recordings were used to generate more accurate results, while previously used methods and recommendations were also applied in accordance with special literature.
机译:该研究的目标是提出统一的描述性方法,用于分析人工颅变形(ACD),以实现一致的描述以及从古食病理解的角度下记录修饰。许多考试处理了ACD可以直接导致或易于形成病理和神经病变的事实。早期研究的大部分仅关注一个或几个偏差。基础研究目标是组装所有先前描述的病变,这可能与ACD相关;此外,还指出了尚未描述的进一步偏差。目前和正在进行的研究能够开发统一的观察和描述ACD的方法。作者还建议基于以前发表的形态改变的数据收集表。本研究试图作为创建一般,标准化方法的基础或第一步,以检测ACD头骨上的病理改变,并区分ACD和非ACD颅骨彼此。在本文中,研究了来自两名同时墓碑的10名中ACD的病理后果被调查,以试图阐明由ACD造成的病理病变并在可能的连接上阐明在变形的类型或程度之间以及出现在ACD头骨上的病变。 X射线记录用于产生更准确的结果,而先前使用的方法和建议也按照特殊文献申请。



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