首页> 外文期刊>Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences >The Compositional Diversity of Low-Mass Exoplanets

The Compositional Diversity of Low-Mass Exoplanets


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Low-mass planets have an extraordinarily diverse range of bulk compositions, from primarily rocky worlds to those with deep gaseous atmospheres. As techniques for measuring the masses of exoplanets advance the field toward the regime of rocky planets, from ultrashort orbital periods to Venus-like distances, we identify the bounds on planet compositions, where sizes and incident fluxes inform bulk planet properties. In some cases, the precision of measurement of planet masses and sizes is approaching the theoretical uncertainties in planet models. An emerging picture explains aspects of the diversity of low-mass planets, although some problems remain: Do extreme low-density, low-mass planets challenge models of atmospheric mass loss? Are planet sizes strictly separated by bulk composition? Why do some stellar characterizations differ between observational techniques? With the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) mission, low-mass exoplanets around the nearest stars will soon be discovered and characterized with unprecedented precision, permitting more detailed planetary modeling and atmospheric characterization of low-mass exoplanets than ever before.



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