首页> 外文期刊>Acta Neurochirurgica >Ventriculocholecysto shunt: A solution to recurrent shunt complications in comorbid post-tubercular hydrocephalus with tubercular adhesive peritonitis

Ventriculocholecysto shunt: A solution to recurrent shunt complications in comorbid post-tubercular hydrocephalus with tubercular adhesive peritonitis


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Background Tuberculosis is still a killer disease and a nightmare in developing countries. Post-tubercular hydrocephalus remains one of the most severe complications, with many diversion procedure methods. How common is the occurrence of co-morbid post tubercular hydrocephalus with tubercular peritonitis is still not known. This is a frustrating cause of repeated shunt complications and revisions. Methods We discuss the management of two cases that were the cause of nearly 50 % of our shunt revisions due to the comorbidities of post-tubercular hydrocephalus and tubercular adhesive peritonitis. We performed the ventriculocholecysto (VC) shunt. This procedure diverts CSF from the ventricular system to the gall bladder. Results The two children are disease free and did not require a revision in the 3.4-year follow-up period. Conclusion The VC shunt is a simple procedure. It improved the quality of life of these children who otherwise would have had a very morbid period during shunt revisions and the active disease. These children did not require further revisions and can grow normally.



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