首页> 外文期刊>Acta Crystallographica, Section B. Structural science, crystal engineering and materials >Non-covalent interactions in the multicomponent crystal of 1-aminocyclopentane carboxylic acid, oxalic acid and water: a crystallographic and a theoretical approach

Non-covalent interactions in the multicomponent crystal of 1-aminocyclopentane carboxylic acid, oxalic acid and water: a crystallographic and a theoretical approach


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Single-crystal X-ray diffraction and quantum mechanical theories were used to examine in detail the subtle nature of non-covalent interactions in the [2:1:1] multicomponent crystal of 1,1-aminocyclopentanecarboxylic acid:oxalic acid:- water. The crystal, which is a hydrate salt of the amino acid with the hydrogenoxalate ion, also contains the zwitterion of the amino acid in equal proportions. It was found that a dimeric cation [Acc5(Z)···Acc5(C)]~+ bonded by an O- H···O hydrogen bond exists due to a charge transfer between acid and carboxylate groups. The three-dimensional crystal is built by blocks stacked along the [101] direction by dispersion interactions, with each block growing along two directions: a hydrogen oxalate HOX~-···HOX~- catameric supramolecular structure along the [010] direction; and double ···HOX~--W- [Acc5(Z)··· Acc5(C)]~+··· chains related by inversion centers along the [101] direction. A PBE-DFT optimization, under periodic boundary conditions, was carried out. The fully optimized structure obtained was used to extract the coordinates to calculate the stabilization energy between the dimers under the crystal field, employing the M062X/aug-cc-pVTZ level of theory. The noncovalent index isosurfaces employed here allow the visualization of where the hydrogen bond and dispersion interactions contribute within the crystal. The crystal atomic arrangements are analyzed by employing the Atoms in Molecules and electron localization function theories. Within this context, the presence of density bond critical points is employed as a criterion for proving the existence of the hydrogen bond and it was found that these results agree with those rendered by the crystallographic geometrical analysis, with only three exceptions, for which bond critical points were not found.
机译:使用单晶X射线衍射和量子机械理论用于详细检查[2:1:1]多组分晶体的非共价相互作用的微妙性质:草酸: - 水。作为氨基酸的水合物盐的晶体,其具有氢氧态离子,还含有相等的比例的氨基酸的两倍。结果发现,由于酸和羧酸盐基团之间的电荷转移,由O-H···氢键键合的二聚体阳离子[ACC5(Z)·····]〜+。通过分散相互作用沿[101]方向堆叠的块构建三维晶体,每个块沿两个方向生长:沿[010]方向的草酸氢盐〜 - ··赫克塞·〜倍倍络分子结构;双倍···············································································································································。在周期性边界条件下进行PBE-DFT优化。获得的完全优化的结构用于提取坐标以计算晶体场下的二聚体之间的稳定能量,采用M062X / AUG-CC-PVTZ理论水平。这里采用的非共价指数异度填料允许可视化氢键和分散相互作用在晶体内贡献的位置。通过在分子中采用原子和电子定位函数理论来分析晶体原子布置。在这种情况下,密度键关键点的存在作为用于证明氢键存在的标准,发现这些结果与晶体几何分析所呈现的那些,只有三种例外,债券致力于临界找不到积分。



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