首页> 外文期刊>Clinical journal of oncology nursing >Precautionary Principle Cancer prevention efforts during critical periods of growth and development

Precautionary Principle Cancer prevention efforts during critical periods of growth and development


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Although the mechanisms of action for all cancer types are not fully known, best practice recommends promoting a healthy lifestyle while avoiding certain substances. Based on environmental science, the precautionary principle is a guideline that suggests that preventive action should be taken when the effects of a substance are unknown or disputed. Oncology nurses and maternal child healthcare professionals can improve cancer prevention through efforts during pregnancy, childhood, adolescence, and adulthood. This article reviews the application of the precautionary principle during critical periods of growth and development and provides recommendations that may prevent epigenetic changes and reduce the risk for cancer.
机译:虽然所有癌症类型的行动机制都没有完全众所周知,但最佳实践建议推动健康的生活方式,同时避免某些物质。 基于环境科学,预防原则是指出当物质的影响未知或有争议时应采取预防行动的指导。 肿瘤学护士和产妇儿童医疗保健专业人员可以通过妊娠期,童年,青春期和成年期间的努力来改善癌症预防。 本文审查了预防原则在经济增长和发展期间的应用,并提供可能预防表观遗传变化并降低癌症风险的建议。



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