首页> 外文期刊>Acta ophthalmologica >Sushruta in 600 B.C. introduced extraocular expulsion of lens material

Sushruta in 600 B.C. introduced extraocular expulsion of lens material


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It is generally accepted that Jacques Daviel introduced in the 18th century the extracapsular technique of extraction of the lens while the couching method of cataract operation had already been practiced since ancient times. Present study analyses the first known cataract surgery description in three translations into English from the original Sanskrit Sushruta textbook and all the available literature on the subject. We found evidences that some sort of extraocular expulsion of lens material through a limbal puncture (paracentesis) was described by the Indian surgeon. Nevertheless, this incision cannot be considered as a classic extracapsular procedure because it was not large enough to allow the extraction of the entire lens.
机译:公认的是,雅克·戴维(Jacques Daviel)在18世纪就引入了晶状体摘除的囊外技术,而白内障手术的卧床方法自古以来就已得到实践。目前的研究分析了第一本已知的白内障手术说明,该说明由原始的Sanskrit Sushruta教科书和所有有关该主题的文献翻译成三种英文译成英文。我们发现有证据表明印度外科医生描述了通过角膜缘穿刺(穿刺穿刺术)将某种晶状体从眼外排出。然而,该切口不能被认为是经典的囊外手术,因为它的大小不足以抽出整个晶状体。



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