首页> 外文期刊>Cytologia : International journal of cytology >Widespread Cytotypic Variation, Cytogeography and Dynamic Analysis of Lysimachia mauritiana (Primulaceae) on Amamioshima, Kakeromajima and Tokunoshima Islands in the Amami Group of the Ryukyu Archipelago, Japan

Widespread Cytotypic Variation, Cytogeography and Dynamic Analysis of Lysimachia mauritiana (Primulaceae) on Amamioshima, Kakeromajima and Tokunoshima Islands in the Amami Group of the Ryukyu Archipelago, Japan

机译:日本琉球群岛的ami美岛上的Am岛,角岛和德岛上的毛Ly(Lysimachia mauritiana)的广泛细胞学变异,细胞地理学和动力学分析

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Our continuous investigations revealed that a coastal herb, Lysimachia mauritiana, exhibited a wide-ranging intraspecific karyotypic polymorphism (18 cytotypes) in the Ryukyu Archipelago of Japan. Recently it is suggested that the small island Takarajima including 11 cytotypes showed the highest intraspecific karyotypic diversity both within and among populations in the Ryukyus. To explore karyotypic variations on its adjacent three islands, Amamioshima, Kakeromajima and Tokunoshima, karyomorphological and cytogeographical analyses were conducted in 452 individuals from 27 localities throughout the islands. A total of five different chromosome numbers (2n=16, 17, 18, 19, 20) and 15 cytotypes were recognized in the area. Except for two, two to six cytotypes coexisted in every locality. The islands showed different dominant cytotypes, i.e. 16 (6m) in Amamioshima Is., unknown in Kakeromajima Is. and 18 (6m) in Tokunoshima Is. Furthermore, it is suggested that cytotypes in northeast area in Amamioshima Is. might be converged to 16 (6m) in the near future by dynamic analyses in cytotype.
机译:我们的持续调查显示,沿海草本药Lysimachia mauritiana在日本琉球群岛上表现出广泛的种内核型多态性(18种细胞型)。最近,有人提出,包括11种细胞类型在内的小岛宝岛在琉球种群内和种群之间均显示出最高的种内核型多样性。为了探索其邻近的三个岛-Am尾岛,角岛和德岛的核型变化,对整个岛屿的27个地区的452个人进行了核型和细胞地理分析。该区域共识别出五个不同的染色体数(2n = 16、17、18、19、20)和15个细胞型。除了两个,两个到六个细胞类型在每个位置共存。这些岛显示出不同的优势细胞类型,即天生岛中的16(6m),而角岛岛中未知。和德之岛岛18(6m)。此外,还提出了Am鱼岛东北部地区的细胞型。细胞类型的动态分析可能会在不久的将来收敛到16(6m)。



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