首页> 外文期刊>Biotechnic and Histochemistry >Insulin-like 3 expression and fibrosis induction after intra-testicular injection of magnetic nanoparticles in rat testis and the ameliorative role of Echinacea purpurea extract

Insulin-like 3 expression and fibrosis induction after intra-testicular injection of magnetic nanoparticles in rat testis and the ameliorative role of Echinacea purpurea extract

机译:胰岛素样3表达和纤维化诱导在大鼠睾丸中耐磁性纳米粒子的磁性纳米粒子和echinacea purpurea提取物的改进作用

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The World Health Organization has approved magnetic nanoparticles (MNP) for use as a contrast agent for magnetic resonance imaging or tumor hyperthermia treatment. MNP are toxic over time after intra-testicular injection. A clear strategy to ameliorate the toxic side effects of MNP in normal tissues after medical application has not yet been developed. We used an extract of Echinacea purpurea (EP) as a natural source of antioxidant and free radical scavenging product for detoxification of MNP in testicular tissues. MNP localization in the interstitial area of testicular tissue reduced the expression of insulin-like factor 3 (INSL3) proteins as well as serum testosterone levels. Further, MNP caused accumulation of both collagen and elastin in the interstitial area and increased the thickness of the tunica albuginea. Injection of MNP during administration of EP extract for short periods slightly reduced the toxic side effects of MNP. After extended exposure to EP extract, INSL3 expression and testosterone returned to near control levels. Also, collagen and elastin accumulation caused by MNP was reduced after extended exposure to EP extract. We believe that the ameliorative effect of EP extract is due to its antioxidant properties.
机译:世界卫生组织已批准磁性纳米颗粒(MNP),用作磁共振成像或肿瘤热疗治疗的造影剂。在睾丸内注射后,MNP随着时间的推移是毒性的。尚未开发出在医疗应用后改善MNP在正常组织中MNP有毒副作用的明确策略。我们用Echinacea purpurea(EP)的提取物作为抗氧化剂的天然来源和自由基清除产品,用于睾丸组织中的MNP解毒。睾丸组织间质区域的MNP定位降低了胰岛素样因子3(INSL3)蛋白以及血清睾酮水平的表达。此外,MNP在间质区域中引起胶原蛋白和弹性蛋白的积累,并增加了丘脑常见的厚度。在短时间内注射EP提取物期间的MNP略微降低了MNP的毒副作用。在延长EP提取物暴露后,INSL3表达和睾酮返回到控制水平附近。此外,在延长暴露于EP提取物后,由MNP引起的胶原蛋白和Elastin积累减少。我们认为,EP提取物的改善效果是由于其抗氧化特性。



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