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Assessing medical students' perceptions of patient safety: The medical student safety attitudes and professionalism survey


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Purpose: To develop and test the psychometric properties of a survey to measure students' perceptions about patient safety as observed on clinical rotations. Method: In 2012, the authors surveyed 367 graduating fourth-year medical students at three U.S. MD-granting medical schools. They assessed the survey's reliability and construct and concurrent validity. They examined correlations between students' perceptions of organizational cultural factors, organizational patient safety measures, and students' intended safety behaviors. They also calculated percent positive scores for cultural factors. Results: Two hundred twenty-eight students (62%) responded. Analyses identified five cultural factors (teamwork culture, safety culture, error disclosure culture, experiences with professionalism, and comfort expressing professional concerns) that had construct validity, concurrent validity, and good reliability (Cronbach alphas > 0.70). Across schools, percent positive scores for safety culture ranged from 28% (95% confidence interval [CI], 13%-43%) to 64% (30%-98%), while those for teamwork culture ranged from 47% (32%-62%) to 74% (66%-81%). They were low for error disclosure culture (range: 10% [0%-20%] to 27% [20%-35%]), experiences with professionalism (range: 7% [0%-15%] to 23% [16%-30%]), and comfort expressing professional concerns (range: 17% [5%-29%] to 38% [8%-69%]). Each cultural factor correlated positively with perceptions of overall patient safety as observed in clinical rotations (r = 0.37-0.69, P < .05) and at least one safety behavioral intent item. Conclusions: This study provided initial evidence for the survey's reliability and validity and illustrated its applicability for determining whether students' clinical experiences exemplify positive patient safety environments.
机译:目的:开发和测试一项调查的心理测量特性,以测量学生在临床轮换中观察到的有关患者安全的看法。方法:2012年,作者在三所获得美国医学博士资助的医学院中调查了367名即将毕业的四年级医学生。他们评估了调查的可靠性,结构和并发有效性。他们研究了学生对组织文化因素的认知,组织患者安全措施与学生预期的安全行为之间的相关性。他们还计算了文化因素的积极得分百分比。结果:228名学生(62%)回答。分析确定了五个文化因素(团队合作文化,安全文化,错误披露文化,专业经验以及表达专业关注的舒适度),这些文化因素具有结构效度,并发效度和良好的信度(Cronbach alphas> 0.70)。在整个学校中,安全文化的积极得分百分比从28%(95%置信区间[CI]为13%-43%)到64%(30%-98%)不等,而团队合作文化的阳性得分为47%(32 %-62%)到74%(66%-81%)。对于错误披露文化(范围:10%[0%-20%]至27%[20%-35%]),专业经验(范围:7%[0%-15%]至23%[ 16%-30%])和表达专业关注的舒适度(范围:17%[5%-29%]至38%[8%-69%])。每种文化因素与临床轮换中观察到的总体患者安全感呈正相关(r = 0.37-0.69,P <.05)和至少一项安全行为意图项目。结论:这项研究为调查的可靠性和有效性提供了初步证据,并说明了该方法可用于确定学生的临床经验是否代表了积极的患者安全环境。



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