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A study to identify causative factors of mental handicap


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To identify the causative factors responsible for mental handicap. Institutional based cross sectional study was carried out in 165 mentally Challenged students of Nandanwan School Nagpur from March 2004 -May 2005.Causative factors were identified onthe basis of history obtained from mothers, detailed examination of children and hospital and medical documents. Out of the 165 children Down's syndrome was causative factors in 21 (12.73%), prematurity in 20(12.12%), febrile convulsions in 18(10.91%), seizures in 15(909%), Birth asphyxia in 14(8.48%), familial in 12(7.27%) cases. In 34 (20.61%) cases causer was not known. Only prenatal causes were responsible In 39(23.64%), only perinatal in 30(18.18%), and only postnatal 36(21.82%) cases. Rest causeswere in combinations. The Common causative factors for mental handicap were Down's syndrome, prematurity seizures, febrile convulsions during early developmental period. In addition, maternal age above 30 years was found to be a strong risk factor for Down's syndrome
机译:找出造成精神障碍的原因。从2004年3月至2005年5月,对165名南丹湾那格浦尔智障学生进行了基于机构的横断面研究。根据母亲的病史,对孩子的详细检查以及医院和医疗文件,确定了致病因素。在165例唐氏综合症患儿中,有21例(12.73%)的病因,早产20例(12.12%),高热惊厥18例(10.91%),癫痫发作15例(909%),出生窒息14例(8.48%) ,家族性12例(7.27%)。在34个(20.61%)病例中,原因未知。 39例中只有产前原因(23.64%),30例中只有围产期原因(18.18%),而36例中只有产后原因(21.82%)。休息原因多种多样。造成智力障碍的常见原因是唐氏综合症,早熟性癫痫发作,发育早期的高热惊厥。此外,发现孕妇年龄大于30岁是唐氏综合症的重要危险因素



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