首页> 外文期刊>Biosciences Biotechnology Research Asia >Protective effect of IVIarjoram plant against the toxicity of cadmium chloride in testes of albino rat

Protective effect of IVIarjoram plant against the toxicity of cadmium chloride in testes of albino rat


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Due to the extensive use of the marjoram plant in the treatment of some diseases, with a lack of its scientific research , there for the aim of this study was to identify the extent of safety when used and to study its protective effect against the toxicity of cadmium chloride on testicular tissue. Thirty male albino rats ( 60- days) age divided into four groups, the first group ( control group ), group II treated with cadmium chloride (2mg/kg), the third group treated with marjoram (2mg/kg), the fourth group treated with both cadmium(2mg/kg) and marjoram(2mg/kg). Cadmium treated group showed imbalance in both structure and physiology of the testis .Also, an obstruction of spermatogenesis and spermiogenesis process appeared as degradation of spermatocytes, decrease in their number and distort their structure with low testosterone level . The third group treated with marjoram only showed similarity to the control structure with increased density of spermatocytes and sperm, also the testosterone level was comparable to the control group. Coadministration of cadmium and marjoram lessened most histopathological changes in tissue structure and balance the testosterone level. Thus it was recommend : Non-use of cadmium metal and try to find a replacementfor it in industry because of its adverse effect on male fertility .Also ,we hope of using marjoram as protective agent for its safe on tissue and increases the rate of male fertility
机译:由于墨角兰植物广泛用于治疗某些疾病,缺乏科学研究,因此,本研究的目的是确定使用时的安全性程度,并研究其对大麻酚毒性的保护作用。睾丸组织上的氯化镉。将三十只白化病雄性大鼠(60天)分为四组,第一组(对照组),第二组用氯化镉(2mg / kg)治疗,第三组用马郁兰(2mg / kg)治疗,第四组用镉(2mg / kg)和马郁兰(2mg / kg)处理。镉治疗组的睾丸结构和生理失衡。此外,由于睾丸激素水平低下,精子细胞的降解,精子数量的减少和结构的扭曲,使精子发生和精子形成过程受到阻碍。用马郁兰治疗的第三组仅表现出与对照结构相似,精细胞和精子密度增加,睾丸激素水平与对照组相当。镉和马郁兰的共同给药减少了组织结构的大多数组织病理学变化,并平衡了睾丸激素水平。因此,建议:不使用镉金属,因为其对男性生育能力的不利影响,试图在工业上寻找其替代品。此外,我们希望使用墨角兰作为保护组织的安全剂并增加男性的使用率生育能力



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