首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Clinical Oncology >Decision making by parents of children with incurable cancer who opt for enrollment on a phase I trial compared with choosing a do not resuscitate/terminal care option.

Decision making by parents of children with incurable cancer who opt for enrollment on a phase I trial compared with choosing a do not resuscitate/terminal care option.


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PURPOSE: Parents of children with incurable cancer make complex and difficult decisions about remaining treatment options. We compared the self-reported rationale, good parent definition, and desired clinical staff behaviors of parents who recently decided for phase I (P1) chemotherapy with parents who chose a do not resuscitate (DNR) or terminal care (TC) option. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Sixty-two parents of 58 children were asked for the basis of their decision, their definition of a good parent, and what staff behaviors supported their good parent role. After semantic content analysis, results were compared in the P1 versus DNR/TC groups. These categories were mutually exclusive but did not necessarily represent an either/or decision. RESULTS: Thirty-one decisions were for P1 chemotherapy and 27 for DNR/TC. Median survival time after study enrollment was greater in the P1 group (0.4 v 0.1 years). Most P1 group parents reported having felt compelled to continue cancer-directed therapy (71% v 7%), whereas those who opted for DNR/TC cited quality of life (QOL; 74% v 3%) and patient wishes (67% v 13%). Decision factors common to both groups were medical facts, doing right, and others' opinions. Both groups believed that a good parent did right, provided support and presence, and sacrificed for the child. The groups desired similar support from clinicians and expressed gratitude. CONCLUSION: Despite similar definitions of a good parent and desired staff behaviors, parents in the P1 group reported having felt compelled to continue cancer-directed therapy, whereas QOL and patient wishes were emphasized in decisions for DNR/TC.
机译:目的:有无法治愈的癌症的儿童的父母对剩余治疗方案进行复杂和困难的决定。我们比较了自我报告的理由,良好的父母定义,以及最近决定I阶段I(P1)化疗的父母的所需临床人员行为与选择不复苏(DNR)或终端护理(TC)选项的父母。患者和方法:六十二名儿童的父母被要求依据他们的决定,他们对一个良好的父母的定义,以及员工行为支持他们的良好父母的角色。在语义含量分析之后,在P1与DNR / TC组中比较了结果。这些类别互斥,但不一定代表任何/或决定。结果:32例决定用于P1化疗和27例DNR / TC。在P1组学习注册后的中位生存时间更大(0.4 V 0.1岁)。大多数P1集团父母报告觉得被迫继续继续癌症治疗(71%v 7%),而选择DNR / TC的人则引用生活质量(QOL; 74%V 3%)和患者愿望(67%V.6% 13%)。两组共同的决策因素是医学事实,做对和其他人的意见。两组都认为,一个好的父母做了正确的,提供支持和存在,并为孩子牺牲。这些组所需的临床医生的类似支持并表达了感谢。结论:尽管良好的父母和期望的员工行为具有类似的定义,但P1集团的父母报告的父母据称被迫继续进行癌症治疗,而DNR / TC的决定则强调QoL和患者愿望。



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