首页> 外文期刊>JAMA: the Journal of the American Medical Association >Expanded newborn screening for detection of vitamin B12 deficiency.

Expanded newborn screening for detection of vitamin B12 deficiency.


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To the Editor: When undiagnosed, infant vitamin B12 deficiency can result in anemia, failure to thrive, developmental regression, and neurological deficits and is most commonly caused by maternal vitamin B12 deficiency.1 Biochemically, vitamin B12 deficiency leads to an accumulation of total homocysteine (tHcy), methylmalonic acid (MMA), and propionylcarnitine (C3). Although vitamin B12 deficiency is not a primary target of newborn screening (NBS) programs, measurement of C3 may incidentally identify vitamin B12-deficient newborns. However, first-tier screening is limited because C3 levels may not be sufficiently high during the first days of life when most NBS samples are collected
机译:向编辑:当未确诊时,婴儿维生素B12缺乏可能导致贫血,未能茁壮成长,发育回归和神经学赤字,最常见的是由母体维生素B12缺陷引起的。生物化学上,维生素B12缺乏导致总同型术的积累 (THCY),甲基羟基丙酸(MMA)和丙氨基碱(C3)。 虽然维生素B12缺乏不是新生儿筛查(NBS)程序的主要目标,但C3的测量可能偶然鉴定维生素B12缺陷的新生儿。 然而,第一层筛选是有限的,因为当收集大多数NB样品时,在寿命的第一天期间C3水平可能不够高。



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