首页> 外文期刊>Biosciences Biotechnology Research Asia >Aerobic hexavalent chromium reduction by Acenetobacter calcoacitlcus

Aerobic hexavalent chromium reduction by Acenetobacter calcoacitlcus


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Rapid industrialization and development of chemical and mining industries in Sukinda mining area, district of Jajpur, Orissa has drawn worldwide attention as one of the most polluted area with hexavalent chromium due to chromite rich. It is pertinentmention that hexavalent chromium Is highly toxic to living beings including the flora & fauna around Sukinda mining area. On account of that, an attempt has been made in the present investigation to detoxify Cr(VI) by employing a lyophilized Gram-negative bacteria i.e. A. calcoacitlcus isolated from that area. It was observed that A. calcoaceticus tolerated 10OOppm of hexavalent chromium. It shown 78.03% hexavalent chromium reduction when incubated in a nutritive medium at 30deg C for 24 hours at pH 7 and the rate of reduction decreased from 78.03 to 38.1 % in a nonnutritive medium.Then the bacteria was selected for parametric studies and observed to exhibit highest reduction 85% at pH 8.0, temperature 30/ 24 hours. Therefore, A. calcoaceticus may be used for bioremediation of hexavalent chromium toxicity in different chromium contaminated sites.
机译:奥里萨邦Jajpur区Sukinda矿区的化学工业和采矿业的快速工业化和发展,由于铬铁矿丰富,是六价铬污染最严重的地区之一,已引起了全世界的关注。有意义的是,六价铬对包括Sukinda矿区周围的动植物在内的生物具有剧毒。因此,在本研究中已经尝试通过使用冻干的革兰氏阴性细菌,即从该区域分离的钙化杆菌来解毒Cr(VI)。观察到钙乙酸曲霉耐受1000ppm的六价铬。在pH值为7的营养培养基中于30°C孵育24小时后,六价铬的还原率达到78.03%,还原率在非营养培养基中从78.03降低至38.1%,然后选择细菌进行参数研究并观察到其表现出在pH 8.0,温度30/24小时的情况下,最高还原率达85%。因此,乙酸钙曲霉可用于生物修复不同铬污染部位的六价铬毒性。



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