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A need to review the current official seismic zoning map of India


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The Indian subcontinent has experienced a number of devastating earthquakes in the last fourteen years, repeatedly reminding us about the high level of seismic hazard and risk prevailing in the country. Two of these were in the Himalayas – Uttarkashiin 1991, Chamoli in 1999, and three in peninsular India – Killari in 1993, Jabalpur in 1997 and Bhuj in 2001. Now the November 2005 Mujafarabad earthquake in Kashmir Himalaya is the latest disaster that has claimed 80,000 lives. The grave hazard and risk the earthquakes pose to the region are once again restated by the above event.
机译:在过去的14年中,印度次大陆经历了多次毁灭性地震,这使我们不断回想起该国普遍存在的高度地震危险性和风险。其中两处在喜马拉雅山– 1991年的Uttarkashiin,1999年的Chamoli,三处在印度半岛的– 1993年的基拉里,1997年的贾巴尔普尔和2001年的布杰。现在,2005年11月在克什米尔喜马拉雅山发生的Mujafarabad地震是最近的一场地震,造成了80,000人死亡生活。上述事件再次重申了地震给该地区带来的严重危险和风险。



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