首页> 外文期刊>Current Science: A Fortnightly Journal of Research >Impact of musk trade on the decline in Himalayan musk deer Moschus chrysogaster population in Neelum Valley, Pakistan.

Impact of musk trade on the decline in Himalayan musk deer Moschus chrysogaster population in Neelum Valley, Pakistan.

机译:麝香贸易对巴基斯坦Neelum谷的喜马拉雅麝Moschus chrysogaster种群减少的影响。

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The Himalayan musk deer, Moschus chrysogaster inhabits the forests of Neelum Valley, Jammu and Kashmir, including Machiara National Park. A study was made to ascertain the extent of trade in Himalayan musk and to assess the hunting pressure and present conservation status of the population of Himalayan musk deer. Musk deer are killed to excise the musk pod found in mature males between the genital organs and the umbilicus. According to information gathered from nine major professional musk traders, 26 (65%), 31 (73.8%) and 44 (97.77%) musk pods were collected illegally during 2000-02 respectively. However, cumulative total number of musk deer killed during 2000-02 was at least 40, 42 and 45 respectively, as revealed by data obtained from 209 hunters. Data show that though male musk deer are killed for musk pod collection, females are also killed in illegal harvesting. There is limited use of musk as traditional medicine for pulmonary diseases in the area. However, poaching activity fetches US $275-310 per musk pod; hence musk trade poses a major threat to the survival of the species. Population of Himalayan musk deer is on a rapid decline because of hunting pressure and destruction of natural habitat due to nomadic and local grazing, along with unsustainable commercial logging and extraction of medicinal plants by the government as well as by the locals. Measures to conserve the species are outlined within the framework of sustainable use of living resources for development..
机译:喜马拉雅麝鹿Moschus chrysogaster栖息在Neelum谷,查mu和克什米尔的森林中,包括Machiara国家公园。进行了一项研究,以确定喜马拉雅麝香的贸易范围,并评估喜马拉雅麝香鹿的狩猎压力和目前的保护状况。杀死麝鹿以切除在生殖器官和脐带之间的成年雄性中发现的麝香荚。根据从9家主要麝香专业贸易商处收集的信息,在2000-02年期间,分别非法收集了26种(65%),31种(73.8%)和44种(97.77%)麝香荚。但是,从209名猎人那里获得的数据显示,在2000-02年间杀死的麝香鹿的累计总数分别至少为40、42和45。数据显示,尽管雄性麝香鹿因收集麝香荚果而被杀死,但雌性鹿角在非法采摘中也被杀死。麝香作为该地区肺部疾病的传统药物用途有限。但是,偷猎活动可为每只麝香荚获取275-310美元。因此,麝香贸易对物种的生存构成了重大威胁。由于狩猎压力和游牧和当地放牧对自然栖息地的破坏,以及政府和当地人不可持续的商业伐木和药用植物的提取,喜马拉雅麝香鹿的种群正在迅速减少。在可持续利用生物资源促进发展的框架内概述了保护物种的措施。



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