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Honey Minx lands retail deal with The Market @ Macy's

机译:HONEY MINX与市场上的零售交易@ MICE'

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Nicole Richie's Honey Minx lifestyle brand,offering beauty products,jewellery,home and fashion products,has landed a retail deal with The Market @ Macy's flagship store in New York City. Nicole Richie,the daughter of iconic American singer Lionel Richie,rose to fame as a TV personality in the early 2000s. She first launched her brand on shopping website Working Sundays in November 2018. As part of its beauty line-up,the brand offers essential oil in jasmine,rose,lavender and eucalyptus,as well as cosmetics bags and a peelable facial mask product.
机译:Nicole Richie's Honey Minx Lifestyle品牌,提供美容用品,珠宝,家居和时尚产品,并在纽约市梅西旗舰店着陆零售交易。 尼科尔里奇,标志性的美国歌手莱恩里奇的女儿,在2000年代初为一个电视个性。 她在2018年11月首次在购物网站上推出了她的品牌。作为其美丽阵容的一部分,该品牌提供茉莉花,玫瑰,薰衣草和桉树的精油,以及化妆品袋和可剥离面膜产品。



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