首页> 外文期刊>JAMA: the Journal of the American Medical Association >The central role of prognosis in clinical decision making.

The central role of prognosis in clinical decision making.


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A preferred alternative is a single prognostic index (or perhaps a small number of indices) based on estimated life expectancy, a metric that is familiar to both physicians and patients. Values represent the life expectancy of persons at the 50th percentile (or median) in a specific population group. As noted by the authors, clinical guidelines increasingly incorporate life expectancy as a central factor in weighing the benefits and burdens of tests and treatments. Aligning the metric used to assess prognosis with recommendations in clinical guidelines would likely facilitate clinical decision making. A single estimate of life expectancy, for example, would allow a physician to advise an older patient about a large array of clinical decisions, such as whether to discontinue breast cancer screening or forego tight glycemic control for diabetes mellitus, as noted in Table 1 of the review by Yourman et al.
机译:优选的替代方案是基于预期寿命的单一预后指标(或可能是少数指标),这是医生和患者都熟悉的指标。值代表特定人群中处于第50个百分点(或中位数)的人们的预期寿命。正如作者所指出的,临床指南越来越多地将预期寿命作为衡量测试和治疗的益处和负担的中心因素。使用于评估预后的指标与临床指南中的建议保持一致可能会促进临床决策。例如,对预期寿命的单一估计将使医生向老年人建议大量的临床决策,例如是否停止乳腺癌筛查或放弃对糖尿病的严格血糖控制,如表1所示。 Yourman等人的评论。



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