首页> 外文期刊>Vaccine >CD205 antigen targeting combined with dendritic cell recruitment factors and antigen-linked CD40L activation primes and expands significant antigen-specific antibody and CD4 sup + /sup T cell responses following DNA vaccination of outbred animals.

CD205 antigen targeting combined with dendritic cell recruitment factors and antigen-linked CD40L activation primes and expands significant antigen-specific antibody and CD4 sup + /sup T cell responses following DNA vaccination of outbred animals.

机译:CD205抗原靶向结合树突状细胞募集因子和抗原连接的CD40L激活引发并扩展了近交动物的DNA疫苗接种后显着的抗原特异性抗体和CD4 + T细胞反应。

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Dendritic cell antigen targeting primes robust immune responses in mouse models. Optimizing this immunization strategy in the actual hosts that require protection will advance development of efficacious contemporary vaccines. In a proof-of-concept study, we tested the immunogenicity of a single, low dose of a novel multi-component DNA construct expressing a CD205-targeted antigen fused to a CD40L minimal functional domain for linked DC activation. The DNA construct was formulated with DNA-encoded Flt3L and GM-CSF for DC recruitment and the formulation was evaluated in MHC class II-matched calves. Immunization of the calves with the CD205 antigen-targeting construct mixed with the cytokine constructs induced significant IFN- gamma -secreting CD4+ T-cells, CD4+ T-cell proliferation, and antibody responses detectable within one week post-immunization. CD205 antigen-targeting significantly expanded IFN- gamma -secreting CD4+ T-cells, CD4+ T-cell proliferation, and IgG antibody responses three weeks post-immunization. Nineteen weeks post-priming, the IFN- gamma -secreting CD4+ T-cells, CD4+ T-cell proliferation, and the IgG titers were waning, but they remained significant. Following boosting at nineteen weeks post-immunization, the immune responses primed by the CD205-targeted antigen underwent rapid recall and the mean response tripled within one week post-boost. Comparative analysis of the immune responses observed one week post-priming versus the responses detected one week post-boost revealed that the average number of the IFN- gamma -secreting CD4+ T-cells observed in the calves immunized with the CD205 antigen targeting construct increased five-fold, the mean CD4+ T-cell proliferation increased three-fold, whereas the mean IgG antibody titer increased two hundred-fold. These promising outcomes support testing the protective efficacy of CD205-targeted antigens in the calf model.
机译:树突状细胞抗原靶向引发小鼠模型中强大的免疫反应。在需要保护的实际宿主中优化该免疫策略将促进有效当代疫苗的开发。在概念验证研究中,我们测试了单次低剂量的新型多组分DNA构建体的免疫原性,该构建体表达与CD40L最小功能域融合的CD205靶向抗原,用于连接的DC活化。用DNA编码的Flt3L和GM-CSF配制DNA构建体用于DC募集,并在MHC II类匹配的牛犊中评估该制剂。用靶向CD205抗原的构建体与细胞因子构建体混合来免疫小牛,可诱导IFN-γ分泌显着的CD4 + T细胞,CD4 + T细胞增殖,免疫后一周内可检测到抗体反应。免疫三周后,靶向CD205的抗原显着扩大了分泌IFN-γ的CD4 + T细胞,CD4 + T细胞的增殖和IgG抗体反应。引发后的19周,分泌IFN-γ的CD4 + T细胞,CD4 + T细胞增殖和IgG滴度逐渐减弱,但仍保持显着水平。免疫后第19周加强免疫后,以CD205靶向抗原引发的免疫反应迅速恢复,并且在加强免疫后1周内平均反应增加了两倍。初次免疫后一周与加强免疫后一周观察到的免疫反应的比较分析表明,在免疫的小牛中观察到的分泌IFN-γ的CD4 + T细胞的平均数量当CD205抗原靶向构建体增加5倍时,平均CD4 + T细胞增殖增加3倍,而平均IgG抗体效价增加200倍。这些有希望的结果支持在小牛模型中测试靶向CD205的抗原的保护功效。



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