首页> 外文期刊>The Lancet >An unusual presentation of recurrent pneumonia.

An unusual presentation of recurrent pneumonia.


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In October, 2010, a 20-year-old man was referred to us after having been admitted to hospital four times with community acquired pneumonia since the age of 16 years. His recurrent symptoms included a productive cough, lethargy, fever, night sweats, and rigors. Apart from childhood asthma, he had no important medical history of respiratory illness. He was a life-long non-smoker and denied illicit drug use. Auscultation of the chest showed equal air entry to the lung fields with mild crepitations in the left lower zone posteriorly. Erect chest radiography showed multiple cystic lesions in the left lower lobe posteriorly with crowding of bronchovascular markings (figure A). CT of the chest showed a systemic artery feeding a left lower lobe pulmonary sequestration (figure B). The feeding artery originated from the common hepatic artery before passing through the oesophageal hiatus into the thorax. Aberrant venous drainage from the sequestration was not identified and a diagnosis of intralobar pulmonary sequestration was made.



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