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Nickel--End of tight supply spells decline for premiums


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When Vale's facilities are to reach full refined capacity remains uncertain, however. The company announced in a statement earlier this month that it was confident it would re-establish full operational capacity by the end of September. We do not share in this optimism, for a number of reasons. First of all, Vale operates a lengthy supply chain at its Canadian and UK facilities, and it is therefore understood to take a minimum of two months before the first refined nickel units appear on the market following the start up of previously idled mines. Moreover, not all employees had returned to work by July 30th and Vale's management has confirmed that some additional training of workers is still necessary, further delaying a full re-start. Secondly, a separate strike is still ongoing at the company's Voisey's Bay nickel site in the province of Newfoundland and Labrador. Talks to end the labour dispute collapsed again in late July as, according to the United Steelworkers Union, the bonus scheme on offer was considered less generous than the one accepted by the workers at Sudbury. Vale's management later stated that the union's demands at the most recent talks had still been excessive. Although Voisey's Bay began producing again earlier this year using non-union workers and outside contractors, we believe that full capacity will not be reached until the dispute is settled. For these reasons we consider it unlikely that Vale's refined nickel output is to return to its optimum this year. This implies that refined nickel production at the company's Canadian and UK facilities combined will total 88,500t in 2010 - 52% below 2008 levels.
机译:但是,淡水河谷的设施何时达到完全提炼的能力仍然不确定。该公司在本月初的一份声明中宣布,它有信心将在9月底之前恢复全部运营能力。由于多种原因,我们不同意这种乐观态度。首先,Vale在加拿大和英国的工厂经营一条漫长的供应链,因此,据了解,至少需要两个月的时间,因为之前闲置的矿山开工后,第一批精炼镍装置才投放市场。此外,并非所有员工都在7月30日之前恢复了工作,Vale的管理层确认仍然有必要对工人进行一些额外的培训,从而进一步推迟了全面重启工作。其次,该公司位于纽芬兰和拉布拉多省的Voisey's Bay镍矿仍在继续进行罢工。据美国钢铁工人联合会称,结束劳资纠纷的谈判在7月下旬再次失败,因为提供的奖金计划被认为比萨德伯里工人接受的奖金计划宽松。淡水河谷的管理层后来表示,工会在最近的会谈中的要求仍然过高。尽管Voisey's Bay于今年早些时候重新开始使用非工会工人和外部承包商进行生产,但我们认为,在争端解决之前,将无法达到满负荷生产。基于这些原因,我们认为淡水河谷的精炼镍产量不太可能在今年恢复到最佳水平。这意味着该公司加拿大和英国工厂的精炼镍总产量到2010年将达到88,500吨,比2008年减少52%。



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