首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Urology >Changes in urine parameters after desert exposure: Assessment of stone risk in United States marines transiently exposed to a desert environment

Changes in urine parameters after desert exposure: Assessment of stone risk in United States marines transiently exposed to a desert environment


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Purpose: Living in a desert environment has been associated with a higher incidence of kidney stone formation, likely because of concentrated urine output, higher production of vitamin D and genetic predisposition. We determined the changes in urinary parameters after a group of United States Marines temporarily transitioned from a temperate environment to a desert environment. Materials and Methods: A total of 50 Marines completed a questionnaire and performed 3, 24-hour urine collections before mobilization to the desert, after 30 days in the desert and 2 weeks after returning from the desert. Results: Daily urine output decreased 68% to 0.52 L despite marked increased fluid intake (17 L per day). Total daily urinary excretion of calcium, uric acid, sodium, magnesium and potassium in the desert decreased by 70%, 41%, 53%, 22% and 36%, respectively. Urinary pH decreased from 6.1 to 5.6 while in the desert, and citrate and oxalate had minimal changes. After their return from the desert, apart from a decrease of 22% in oxalate, there were no statistically significant differences from baseline. While in the desert, relative supersaturation risks of uric acid and sodium urate were increased 153% and 56%, respectively. Brushite relative supersaturation decreased 24%. After their return there was no statistical difference from baseline. Conclusions: Our findings suggest that the kidneys preserved water and electrolytes while the Marines were subjected to the desert environment. Despite this conservation, relative saturations indicate increased risk of stones in healthy men exposed to a desert environment with rapid resolution upon return. ? 2013 American Urological Association Education and Research, Inc.
机译:目的:生活在沙漠环境中与肾结石形成的发生率较高有关,这可能是由于尿液浓缩,维生素D产生量增加和遗传易感性所致。在一群美国海军陆战队暂时从温带环境过渡到沙漠环境后,我们确定了尿液参数的变化。材料和方法:共有50名海军陆战队士兵完成了一份调查问卷,并在动员到沙漠之前,在沙漠中30天后和从沙漠返回2周后进行了3天,24小时的尿液收集。结果:尽管尿液摄入量明显增加(每天17 L),但每日尿量却减少了68%,降至0.52L。沙漠中钙,尿酸,钠,镁和钾的每日总尿排泄量分别减少了70%,41%,53%,22%和36%。在沙漠中,尿液的pH值从6.1下降到5.6,而柠檬酸盐和草酸盐的变化很小。它们从沙漠返回后,除了草酸盐减少了22%外,与基线相比没有统计学上的显着差异。在沙漠中时,尿酸和尿酸钠的相对过饱和风险分别增加了153%和56%。透钙石的相对过饱和度降低了24%。他们返回后,与基线没有统计学差异。结论:我们的发现表明,海军陆战队在沙漠环境下时,肾脏保留了水和电解质。尽管采取了这种保护措施,但相对饱和度表明健康的人在暴露于沙漠环境中的石头中患结石的风险增加,并且返回后会迅速消退。 ? 2013美国泌尿科协会教育与研究公司



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