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Nickel/RecoveryVemains elusive


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The much-awaited recovery in the stainless steel and nickel markets has yet to emerge. True, some positive signs have started to appear but in general demand is depressed and stocks of nickel are high. Under these circumstances, LME prices have remained surprisingly robust. The LME cash price has recovered from its early September trading range of 26,000-28,000 dollars/t to reach levels of above 30,000 dollars/t in the first half of October. But despite this resilience, the market has remained firmly in contango, with the cash to 3-month spread averaging 430 dollars/t in the first two weeks of October compared with 305 dollars/t in September and 227 dollars/t in August. Easier market conditions have also prompted the LME to announce that the special rules on lending by dominant long position holders has been rescinded with immediate effect. Changes to the lending guidance were first implemented in June when the market was characterised by extreme tightness. In a recent statement, the LME argued that circumstances no longer require special measures. The fact that LME nickel prices have recovered from the lows of August and early September is in part due to market expectations. Underlying demand for stainless steel and consequently nickel has, by all reports, remained solid suggesting that once the oversupply of stainless steel has been eradicated by mill cutbacks, demand should resume again in earnest. In turn, a revival in the stainless sector should prompt a reduction in nickel inventories, paving the way for an upturn in buying activity and prices. But so far, even though there has been a modest improvement in stainless mill order books, mainly in Asia, a major turnaround in demand does not appear imminent. Cutbacks are being phased out slowly, which is positive news, but full capacity utilisation is still some months away, particularly as the mills will not want to risk re-building stocks ahead of year-end.
机译:期待已久的不锈钢和镍市场复苏尚未出现。的确,一些积极迹象已经开始出现,但总体而言需求低迷,镍库存很高。在这种情况下,LME价格仍然出人意料地强劲。伦敦金属交易所的现金价格已经从9月初的26,000-28,000美元/吨的交易价中恢复至10月上半月的30,000美元/吨以上的水平。但是,尽管有这种弹性,但市场仍然坚挺地保持不变,10月的前两周现金对3个月价差平均为430美元/吨,9月为305美元/吨,8月为227美元/吨。宽松的市场条件也促使伦敦金属交易所宣布,有关占主导地位的多头头寸持有人放贷的特殊规定已被立即废除。当市场以极端紧缩为特征时,对贷款指南的更改于6月首次实施。伦敦金属交易所在最近的一份声明中认为,情况不再需要采取特殊措施。 LME镍价已从8月和9月初的低点回升,部分原因是市场预期。据所有报道,对不锈钢以及因此镍的潜在需求一直保持稳定,这表明一旦通过轧机削减消除了不锈钢的供应过剩,需求就应该再次恢复。反过来,不锈钢行业的复苏将促使镍库存减少,从而为购买活动和价格的上涨铺平道路。但是到目前为止,尽管主要在亚洲,不锈钢厂的订单量有了适度的改善,但需求似乎并未出现重大转变。削减措施正在逐步淘汰,这是一个利好消息,但产能利用率仍需数月之久,尤其是因为钢厂不想冒险在年底前重建库存。



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