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Contraception after cancer treatment: Describing methods, counseling, and unintended pregnancy risk


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Objective The objective was to describe contraceptive methods utilized by young female cancer survivors and determine whether pretreatment fertility counseling decreases unintended pregnancy risk. Methods One thousand and forty-one nongynecologic cancer survivors between18 and 40 years of age responded to a survey of reproductive health, contraceptive methods utilized and history of fertility counseling before cancer treatment. Subjects who had resumed menstrual bleeding following treatment and had not undergone surgical sterilization were defined at risk of unintended pregnancy if they reported unprotected vaginal intercourse in the prior month but did not desire conception. Statistical methods utilized were Student's t test and χ2. Results Overall, 918 women (88%) received treatment with potential to affect fertility (chemotherapy, radiation or sterilizing surgery). Of 476 women younger than 40 years old who still had menses, 58% did not want to conceive; of these 275 women, 21% reported unprotected intercourse in the prior month and were defined at risk of unintended pregnancy. This compares to the 7.3% risk of unintended pregnancy reported by the National Center for Health Statistics. Increasing age was associated with greater risk of unintended pregnancy (odds ratio 1.07, p=.006). The following contraceptive methods were reported: barrier (25.5%), hormonal (24.5%), tubal ligation (21.3%) vasectomy (17.5%), intrauterine device (7.2%) and other (4.0%). Sixty-seven percent of women received pretreatment fertility counseling. Counseling prior to treatment did not decrease risk of unintended pregnancy (p=.93). Conclusions Sexually active cancer survivors are at threefold increased risk of unintended pregnancy compared to the US population. Contraceptive counseling in this high-risk population is recommended posttreatment. Implications Sexually active cancer survivors are at considerable risk of unintended pregnancy. Patient report of pretreatment counseling regarding fertility was not associated with a decline in risk of unintended pregnancy, highlighting the importance of clear recommendations regarding content and timing of counseling.
机译:目的目的描述年轻女性癌症幸存者使用的避孕方法,并确定治疗前的生育咨询是否可以降低意外怀孕的风险。方法对184名40至40岁的非妇科癌症幸存者进行了一项生殖健康调查,所使用的避孕方法以及接受治疗前的生育咨询史的调查。如果治疗后月经出血恢复且未进行手术绝育的受试者,如果他们在前一个月报告无保护的阴道性交但不希望受孕,则被定义为有意外怀孕的风险。使用的统计方法是学生t检验和χ2。结果总体上,有918名妇女(88%)接受了可能影响生育力的治疗(化学疗法,放射疗法或消毒手术)。在476名年龄在40岁以下的女性中,仍然有月经的女性中,有58%不想怀孕;在这275名妇女中,有21%的妇女在上个月报告过无保护的性行为,并且被确定为有意外怀孕的危险。与此相比,美国国家卫生统计中心报告的意外怀孕风险为7.3%。年龄增加与意外怀孕的风险增加相关(比值比为1.07,p = .006)。报告了以下避孕方法:屏障(25.5%),激素(24.5%),输卵管结扎(21.3%)输精管切除术(17.5%),宫内节育器(7.2%)和其他(4.0%)。 67%的妇女接受了治疗前的生育咨询。治疗前的咨询并不能降低意外怀孕的风险(p = .93)。结论与美国人群相比,性活跃的癌症幸存者意外怀孕的风险增加了三倍。建议在此高风险人群中进行避孕咨询。含义具有性活动能力的癌症幸存者极有可能意外怀孕。有关生育能力的治疗前咨询的患者报告与意外怀孕风险的降低没有关联,强调了就咨询内容和时间提出明确建议的重要性。



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