首页> 外文期刊>Cortex: A Journal Devoted to the Study of the Nervous System and Behavior >Visual imagery influences brain responses to visual stimulation in bilateral cortical blindness

Visual imagery influences brain responses to visual stimulation in bilateral cortical blindness


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Mental imagery is a powerful mechanism that may facilitate visual perception as well as compensate for it. The role of V1 in mental imagery is still a matter of debate. Our goal here was to investigate whether visual imagery was still possible in case of bilateral V1 destruction behaviorally evidenced by total clinical blindness and if so, whether it might boost residual visual perception. In a factorial fMRI design, faces, scenes or scrambled images were presented while a rare patient with cortical blindness over the whole visual field due to bilateral V1-lesions (TN) was instructed to imagine either an angry person or a neutral object (tree). The results show that visual imagery of a person activates frontal, parietal and occipital brain regions similar to control subjects and hence suggest that V1 is not necessary for visual imagery. In addition, the combination of visual stimulation and visual imagery of socio-emotional stimuli triggers activation in superior parietal lobule (SPL) and ventromedial (vmPFC) and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC). Finally, activation during residual vision, visual imagery and their interaction overlapped in the SPL, arguing for a central role of feeling in V1-independent vision and imagery. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:心理图像是一种强大的机制,可以促进视觉感知并对其进行补偿。 V1在心理意象中的作用仍是一个争论的问题。我们的目标是调查在完全临床失明的情况下以行为方式证明双侧V1破坏时是否仍然可以使用视觉图像,如果可以,是否可以增强残留的视觉感知能力。在阶乘功能磁共振成像设计中,呈现了面部,场景或混乱的图像,同时指示罕见的由于双侧V1病变(TN)在整个视野内出现皮层失明的患者来想象生气的人还是中立的物体(树) 。结果表明,人的视觉图像会激活与控制对象相似的额叶,顶叶和枕脑区域,因此表明V1对于视觉图像不是必需的。此外,视觉刺激和社会情感刺激的视觉影像相结合,触发了顶叶小叶(SPL)和腹膜(vmPFC)和背外侧前额叶皮层(DLPFC)的激活。最后,残余视觉,视觉图像及其相互作用期间的激活在SPL中重叠,这证明了感觉在独立于V1的视觉和图像中的重要作用。 (C)2014 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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