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CFD analyses of temperature distribution in a hybrid ventilated pig unit.


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CFD methods were used to generate knowledge for optimization of adjustment of ventilations openings and location and adjustments of heat sources in order to minimise temperature differences in the animal occupied zone of a 58 m wide hybrid ventilated pig building. A flexible geometrical model was used to investigated the temperature distribution and the air flow pattern at different outdoor velocities, different outdoor temperatures, different positions of ventilation flaps and different sizes and locations of heat sources. The changes between different positions of ventilations flaps were managed by defining the required surfaces in the geometrical model, and changing the boundary condition for these surfaces from interiors to walls or vice versa. Additional heat sources were defined as User Defined Functions (UDF). The analysed pig unit was assumed to be one in a row of built together units, and due to an assumed symmetry plane the length of the modelled flow domain was 11 m, equal to one half of the length of the unit. This modelled geometry enabled symmetrical 3-dimensional air flow in the unit, but the outdoor weather conditions was delimited to the wind direction orthogonally to the building. Unequal adjustment of the openings in the two sides of the unit was an effective method to equalize the temperature distribution in the two sides of the unit. To some extend this could also be obtained by unequal location of heat sources.
机译:CFD方法用于生成知识,以优化通风口和位置的调整以及热源的调整,以最小化58 m宽的混合通风猪舍的动物居住区中的温度差异。使用灵活的几何模型研究了不同室外速度,不同室外温度,通风阀的不同位置以及热源的尺寸和位置的温度分布和气流模式。通过在几何模型中定义所需的表面,并将这些表面的边界条件从内部更改为墙壁,反之亦然,可以管理通风阀不同位置之间的变化。其他热源定义为用户定义功能(UDF)。假定分析的生猪单元是一排建成的单元,并且由于假设对称平面,建模流域的长度为11 m,等于该单元长度的一半。这种建模的几何形状使设备中的3D气流对称,但是室外天气条件被限定为与建筑物正交的风向。单元两侧开口的不均匀调节是使单元两侧温度分布均匀的有效方法。在某种程度上,这也可以通过热源的位置不相等来实现。



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