首页> 外文期刊>Current Science: A Fortnightly Journal of Research >Rice (Oryza sativa L.) yield gap using the CERES-rice model of climate variability for different agroclimatic zones of India

Rice (Oryza sativa L.) yield gap using the CERES-rice model of climate variability for different agroclimatic zones of India

机译:使用CERES-rice模型的印度不同农业气候区的水稻(Oryza sativa L.)产量缺口

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The CERES (Crop Estimation through Resource and Environment Synthesis)-rice model incorporated in DSSAT version 4.5 was calibrated for genetic coefficients of rice cultivars by conducting field experiments during the kharif season at Jorhat, Kalyani, Ranchi and Bhagalpur, the results of which were used to estimate the gap in rice yield. The trend of potential yield was found to be positive and with a rate of change of 26, 36.9, 57.6 and 3.7 kg ha(-1) year(-1) at Jorhat, Kalyani, Ranchi and Bhagalpur districts respectively. Delayed sowing in these districts resulted in a decrease in rice yield to the tune of 35.3, 1.9, 48.6 and 17.1 kg ha(-1) day(-1) respectively. Finding reveals that DSSAT crop simulation model is an effective tool for decision support system. Estimation of yield gap based on the past crop data and subsequent adjustment of appropriate sowing window may help to obtain the potential yields.
机译:通过在Jorhat,Kalyani,Ranchi和Bhagalpur的卡里夫季进行田间试验,对DSSAT 4.5版中包含的CERES(通过资源和环境综合估算)-水稻模型对水稻品种的遗传系数进行了校准,并使用了结果估计水稻产量的差距。在乔罗特,卡里亚尼,兰契和巴加尔布尔布尔地区,潜在产量的趋势被发现为正,变化率分别为26、36.9、57.6和3.7 kg ha(-1)年(-1)。在这些地区播种延迟导致水稻产量分别下降35.3、1.9、48.6和17.1 kg ha(-1)day(-1)。调查结果表明,DSSAT作物模拟模型是决策支持系统的有效工具。根据过去的作物数据估算出单产差距,然后对适当的播种期进行调整,可能有助于获得潜在的单产。



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