首页> 外文期刊>Continental Shelf Research: A Companion Journal to Deep-Sea Research and Progress in Oceanography >The influence of ice on sediment transport, deposition and reworking in a temperate mudflat area, the Danish Wadden Sea

The influence of ice on sediment transport, deposition and reworking in a temperate mudflat area, the Danish Wadden Sea


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The impact of ice formation on the transport, deposition and reworking of sediment at temperate intertidal mudflats has only been little studied. Investigations at the Kongsmark tidal flat in the Danish Wadden Sea reveal that sediment transported incorporated in drifting ice Bees and deposited as melt out sediment may significantly influence both the sediment balance and the morphology of intertidal mudflats and supra tidal salt marshes. It was found that sediment deposited as melt out sediment from ice flees may account for a major part of the net accumulation on the fringing salt marshes, and it is suggested that sediment in the intertidal is transported from the lower part of the mudflat towards the higher lying parts thus influencing both the micro relief and the slope of the mudflat significantly. The transport distance was estimated to be at least in the order of 2 km, and the transport from the intertidal onto the salt marsh was found to be a one way transport process because vegetation quite rapidly grows through the melt out sediment, thus preventing resuspension. The results suggest that the ice transport process can be defined as a secondary process because it almost exclusively redistributes sediment already imported to the estuary. This is contrasting the primary estuarine processes of settling-scour-lag, tidal pumping and estuarine circulation which continuously concentrate cohesive sediment in the estuarine waters. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. [References: 15]
机译:在温带潮间带滩涂中,冰的形成对沉积物的运移,沉积和再加工的影响只有很少的研究。在丹麦瓦登海的Kongsmark潮滩进行的调查表明,运入流冰蜂中的沉积物被运输并以融化的沉积物形式沉积,可能会显着影响沉积物平衡以及潮间带滩涂和超潮盐沼的形态。研究发现,沉积物从冰屑中融化而沉积,可能占边缘盐沼净积累的主要部分,这表明潮间带的沉积物是从泥滩的下部向较高的上部输送的。躺在的零件因此会显着影响微浮雕和泥滩的坡度。估计运输距离至少在2 km左右,并且发现从潮间带到盐沼的运输是一种单向运输过程,因为植被非常快地通过融化的沉积物生长,从而防止了悬浮。结果表明,冰运过程可以定义为次要过程,因为它几乎完全重新分配了已经进口到河口的沉积物。这与沉降冲刷滞后,潮汐泵送和河口循环的主要河口过程形成了鲜明对比,后者不断地将粘性沉积物集中在河口水域中。 (C)2000 Elsevier ScienceLtd。保留所有权利。 [参考:15]



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