首页> 外文期刊>Continental Shelf Research: A Companion Journal to Deep-Sea Research and Progress in Oceanography >On combining current observations and models to investigate the wind induced circulation of the eastern Irish Sea

On combining current observations and models to investigate the wind induced circulation of the eastern Irish Sea


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A coarse grid three-dimensional model of the west coast of Britain and a finer grid model of the eastern Irish Sea are used to examine the sensitivity of computed storm surge elevations and currents to the flow into the eastern Irish Sea in the regions to the north and south of the Isle of Man. Initial calculations of the storm surge of November 1977 show that meteorological forcing over the west coast of Britain is important in determining the inflow and currents in the eastern Irish Sea. Although an inflow event at 18 h I I November is not reproduced in the model, the outflows from the eastern Irish Sea which arise from a reduction in sea surface elevation following a storm are reproduced. A sensitivity study of currents within the eastern Irish Sea to inflows to the north and south of the Isle of Man Suggests that the inflow found during the storm surge is a balance of these inflows. Also the inflows observed in the eastern Irish Sea are sensitive to the distribution of currents along the boundary to the South of the Isle of Man. The inability of the model to reproduce the location of the observed inflow can be corrected by adjusting the flow through the southern open boundary. However, in the absence of a more comprehensive set of measurements of currents in the eastern Irish Sea the role of inflows and outflows through the northern and Southern open boundaries and how these contribute to the flows in tile region cannot be determined. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. [References: 24]
机译:使用英国西海岸的粗网格三维模型和爱尔兰东部海域的精细网格模型来检查计算得出的风暴潮高程和洋流对流入北部区域的爱尔兰东部海域的敏感性和马恩岛南部。 1977年11月风暴潮的初步计算表明,英国西海岸的气象强迫对于确定爱尔兰东部海域的流入量和流量非常重要。尽管该模型未再现11月18日至11月的入流事件,但再现了风暴后海平面升高引起的爱尔兰东部海域流出。对爱尔兰东部海域海流对马恩岛北部和南部流入量的敏感性研究表明,风暴潮期间发现的流入量是这些流入量的平衡。同样,在爱尔兰东部海域观测到的流入对沿马恩岛南部边界的洋流分布也很敏感。通过调整流经南部开放边界的流量,可以纠正模型无法再现观测到的流量的位置的问题。但是,在缺乏对爱尔兰东部海流的更全面的测量方法的情况下,无法确定通过北部和南部开放边界的流入和流出的作用,以及这些流入和流出如何对瓦片区域的流量产生影响。 (C)2003 Elsevier ScienceLtd。保留所有权利。 [参考:24]



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