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The oral health status of special olympics athletes in Belgium.


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To describe and evaluate the oral condition and oral treatment needs of the participants of the Special Olympics Special Smiles program organised in Belgium in 2008.A cross-sectional study where the data were collected through interviews and clinical examinations.687 Belgian Special Smiles athletes participated, mean age 33 years.More than 70% had at least one missing tooth. Distinct signs of gingivitis and visible caries experience were observed in 44% and 22% of dentate athletes respectively. Dutch-speaking athletes were less likely to present with untreated caries (OR: 0.46; 95% CI: 0.31-0.68) or with gingivitis (OR: 0.51; 95% CI: 0.37-0.71) compared to their French-speaking colleagues. Signs of past injury were identified in 12% of athletes. Of those athletes with an edentulous mandible, only 53% presented with a removable denture; 73% of athletes missing some maxillary anterior teeth and 30% of those missing all anterior teeth had no prosthetic replacement in the maxilla. Nearly two fifths of athletes were referred for treatment: in 12% of athletes dental treatment was considered urgent.The results suggest that there is a tremendous unmet need for dental treatment in the Belgian Special Smiles population, with French-speaking athletes in greatest need. Improvements in data collection should be encouraged for example. more detailed screening methods (e.g. caries screening including enamel lesions, full periodontal examination) and questionnaires (e.g. inclusion of questions related to dietary habits, dental attendance). In this way barriers to optimal oral health (care) in this population could be further explored, attempts made to reduce them and so reduce health inequalities.
机译:为了描述和评估2008年在比利时举办的特奥特殊微笑计划参与者的口腔状况和口腔治疗需求。一项横断面研究,通过访谈和临床检查收集了数据.687名比利时特殊微笑运动员参加了这项运动,平均年龄33岁,超过70%的人至少有一颗缺牙。分别在44%和22%的齿列运动员中观察到明显的牙龈炎迹象和可见的龋齿经历。与讲法语的同事相比,讲荷兰语的运动员出现未经治疗的龋齿(OR:0.46; 95%CI:0.31-0.68)或牙龈炎(OR:0.51; 95%CI:0.37-0.71)的可能性较小。在12%的运动员中发现了过去受伤的迹象。在下颌无牙的运动员中,只有53%的人有可摘义齿。 73%的运动员缺少一些上颌前牙,而30%的运动员缺少所有上颌牙,没有在上颌内进行假体置换。将近五分之二的运动员接受了治疗:12%的运动员被认为需要紧急进行牙科治疗。结果表明,比利时特殊微笑人群对牙科治疗的需求尚未得到满足,其中讲法语的运动员最为需要。例如,应鼓励改进数据收集。更详细的筛查方法(例如龋齿筛查,包括牙釉质病变,完整的牙周检查)和问卷(例如包含与饮食习惯,牙齿护理相关的问题)。通过这种方式,可以进一步探索该人群中最佳口腔健康(护理)的障碍,并尝试减少这些障碍,从而减少健康不平等。



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