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An algorithm for constructing star-shaped drawings of plane graphs


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A straight-line planar drawing of a plane graph is called a convex drawing if every facial cycle is drawn as a convex polygon. Convex drawings of graphs is a well-established aesthetic in graph drawing, however not all planar graphs admit a convex drawing. Tutte [W.T. Tutte, Convex representations of graphs, Proc. of London Math. Soc. 10 (3) (1960) 304–320] showed that every triconnected plane graph admits a convex drawing for any given boundary drawn as a convex polygon. Thomassen [C. Thomassen, Plane representations of graphs, in: Progress in Graph Theory, Academic Press, 1984, pp. 43–69] gave a necessary and sufficient condition for a biconnected plane graph with a prescribed convex boundary to have a convex drawing. In this paper, we initiate a new notion of star-shaped drawing of a plane graph as a straightline planar drawing such that each inner facial cycle is drawn as a star-shaped polygon, and the outer facial cycle is drawn as a convex polygon. A star-shaped drawing is a natural extension of a convex drawing, and a new aesthetic criteria for drawing planar graphs in a convex way as much as possible. We give a sufficient condition for a given set A of corners of a plane graph to admit a star-shaped drawing whose concave corners are given by the corners in A, and present a linear time algorithm for constructing such a star-shaped drawing.
机译:如果将每个面部循环绘制为凸多边形,则平面图的直线平面图称为凸图。图形的凸图是图形图中公认的美感,但是并非所有平面图都允许使用凸图。 Tutte [W.T. Tutte,图的凸表示,Proc。伦敦数学学院。 Soc。 10(3)(1960)304–320]显示,对于任何给定的边界,每个三连通平面图都允许一个凸图,该边界绘制为凸多边形。托马森[C.托马森,图的平面表示,载于:图论进展,学术出版社,1984年,第43-69页]为具有规定凸边界的双连通平面图具有凸图给出了充要条件。在本文中,我们提出了一个新的概念,即将平面图的星形图绘制为直线平面图,以便将每个内部面部循环绘制为星形多边形,将外部面部循环绘制为凸多边形。星形图是凸图的自然延伸,是尽可能以凸图方式绘制平面图的新美学准则。我们为平面图的给定集合A的角提供了充分的条件,以允许接受其凹角由A中的角给出的星形图形,并提出了用于构造这种星形图形的线性时间算法。



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