首页> 外文期刊>Cognition: International Journal of Cognitive Psychology >Ownership reasoning in children across cultures

Ownership reasoning in children across cultures


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To what extent do early intuitions about ownership depend on cultural and socio-economic circumstances? We investigated the question by testing reasoning about third party ownership conflicts in various groups of three- and five-year-old children (N = 176), growing up in seven highly contrasted social, economic, and cultural circumstances (urban rich, poor, very poor, rural poor, and traditional) spanning three continents. Each child was presented with a series of scripts involving two identical dolls fighting over an object of possession. The child had to decide who of the two dolls should own the object. Each script enacted various potential reasons for attributing ownership: creation, familiarity, first contact, equity, plus a controleutral condition with no suggested reasons. Results show that across cultures, children are significantly more consistent and decisive in attributing ownership when one of the protagonists created the object. Development between three and five years is more or less pronounced depending on culture. The propensity to split the object in equal halves whenever possible was generally higher at certain locations (i.e., China) and quasi-inexistent in others (i.e., Vanuatu and street children of Recife). Overall, creation reasons appear to be more primordial and stable across cultures than familiarity, relative wealth or first contact. This trend does not correlate with the passing of false belief theory of mind.
机译:关于所有权的早期直觉在何种程度上取决于文化和社会经济环境?我们通过测试有关三岁和五岁儿童(N = 176)的各个组中第三方所有权冲突的推理来研究这个问题,这些孩子在七个高度对比的社会,经济和文化环境(城市富裕,贫穷,非常贫困,农村贫困和传统贫困人口)跨越三大洲。每个孩子都被呈现了一系列剧本,其中包括两个相同的玩偶争夺占有物。孩子必须决定两个娃娃中的谁应该拥有该物品。每个脚本都规定了所有权归属的各种潜在原因:创建,熟悉度,首次联系,公平,加上控制/中立条件,没有建议的原因。结果表明,在不同的文化中,当主人公之一创造物体时,孩子在归属感上的一致性和决定性要明显得多。视文化而定,三年至五年之间的发展或多或少明显。在某些位置(例如中国),尽可能将对象分成两半的可能性通常较高,而在其他位置(例如,瓦努阿图和累西腓的流落街头的孩子)则准准。总的来说,创造的原因似乎比熟悉,相对的财富或初次接触更为原始和稳定。这种趋势与虚假信念心理理论的通过无关。



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