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Impact of Risk and Kinship Relations on Tenancy Contract Form: A Case Study in Rural Java


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From the viewpoint of modern contract theory, a large number of papers postulate alternative hypotheses to explain the reason why a particular contract form for land tenancy is chosen. Among these, the following researches propose the key hypotheses related to our observation in the study area. Cheung [5] and Stiglitz [14] postulate a trade-off between risk and incentives. Stiglitz [14] shows that the share tenancy contract is an optimal contract if the tenant is a risk averter and the landowner is risk neutral. Rao [11] and Allen and Lueck [2], [3] found evidence contradicting the hypothesis of risk sharing and contract choice by Cheung [5] and Stiglitz [14]. In particular, Allen and Lueck [2], [3] empirically reject Cheung and Stiglitz's hypothesis, but more recently, Ackerberg and Botticini [1] find that their regression results, taking into consideration "endogenous matching," are more compatible with the risk sharing hypothesis than the naive regression analysis conducted by Allen and Lueck [2], [3].
机译:从现代契约理论的角度来看,大量论文提出了替代假设来解释为什么选择特定的土地承包契约形式的原因。在这些研究中,以下研究提出了与我们在研究领域中的观察有关的关键假设。 Cheung [5]和Stiglitz [14]提出了风险与激励之间的权衡。 Stiglitz [14]表明,如果承租人是风险规避者而土地所有者是风险中立的,则股份租赁合同是最优合同。 Rao [11]和Allen and Lueck [2],[3]发现证据与Cheung [5]和Stiglitz [14]的风险分担和合同选择假设相矛盾。特别是,Allen和Lueck [2],[3]在经验上拒绝了Cheung和Stiglitz的假设,但是最近,Ackerberg和Botticini [1]发现,考虑“内生匹配”后,他们的回归结果与风险更兼容。与Allen和Lueck [2],[3]进行的朴素回归分析相比,这些假设具有相同的假设。



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