首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Organometallic Chemistry >Novel and selective #alpha#-substitution of ketones and other carbonyl compounds based on Pd-catalyzed cross coupling of #alpha#,#beta#-unsaturated carbonyl derivatives containing #alpha#-halogen or #alpha#-metal groups

Novel and selective #alpha#-substitution of ketones and other carbonyl compounds based on Pd-catalyzed cross coupling of #alpha#,#beta#-unsaturated carbonyl derivatives containing #alpha#-halogen or #alpha#-metal groups


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The Pd-catalyzed cross coupling of either #alpha#-haloenones with organometals or #alpha#-metalloenones with organic halides in intrinsically more problematical than the corresponding reaction of #beta#-substituted enones or ordinary alkenyl derivatives. Nonetheless, satisfactory procedures have been developed for cross coupling with organometals containing Zn, Sn, B and Cu to give #alpha#-organylenones in high yields. As in the other cases, organozincs generally display the highest reactivity. In highly demanding and/or delicate situations, some indirect protocols involving protection of carbonyl groups or their temporary reduction help overcome difficulties encountered in direct #alpha#-substitution. Conjugate reduction and conjugate addition of #alpha#-substituted enones provide the corresponding saturated carbonyl compounds in completely regiocontrolled manner. Together with the ability to accommodate unsaturated organic groups, such as aryl, alkenyl, and alkynyl, the new Pd-catalyzed #alpha#-substitution protocols developed since 1987 promise to become synthetic tools of widespread application.
机译:与#β#-取代的烯酮或普通烯基衍生物的相应反应相比,#α#-卤代烯酮与有机金属或#α#-金属酮与有机卤化物的Pd催化交叉偶联本质上更具问题。然而,已经开发出令人满意的程序用于与含有Zn,Sn,B和Cu的有机金属的交叉偶联,从而以高收率得到#α#-有机烯酮。与其他情况一样,有机锌通常显示出最高的反应性。在高要求和/或敏感的情况下,一些涉及羰基保护或它们的临时还原的间接方案有助于克服直接α-取代所遇到的困难。 #α#-取代的烯酮的共轭还原和共轭加成以完全区域控制的方式提供了相应的饱和羰基化合物。自1987年以来开发的新的Pd催化的#alpha#取代方案连同能够容纳不饱和有机基团(如芳基,烯基和炔基)的能力,有望成为广泛应用的合成工具。



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