首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Indian Medical Association. >Comparative study of heart rate responses to laryngoscopic endotracheal intubation and to endotracheal intubation using intubating laryngeal mask airway under general anaesthesia in patients with pure mitral stenosis for closed mitral commissurotomy

Comparative study of heart rate responses to laryngoscopic endotracheal intubation and to endotracheal intubation using intubating laryngeal mask airway under general anaesthesia in patients with pure mitral stenosis for closed mitral commissurotomy


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The various drugs and methods studied in an attempt to curb the haemodynamic stress response associated with conventional laryngoscopic endotracheal intubation have not been found to be ompletely satisfactory. The rise in heart rate can be detrimental to patients with mitral stenosis. This study was aimed to compare the heart rate responses to endotracheal intubation using conventional laryngoscope and with the help of intubating laryngeal mask airway (ILMA) in patients with isolated mitral stenosis. Thirty-four adult patients of either sex, aged between 18 and 40 years with isolated mitral stenosis to undergo closed mitral commissurotomy were randomly allocated into two groups: Group A (n=17) - To be intubated using laryngoscopy. Group B (n=17) - To be intubated with the help of ILMA. The heart rate was recorded immediately preinduction, just prior to introducing the intubating device and postintubation every minute up to first 5 minutes. On applying statistical tests, it was found that the median heart rate values in group A at 2, 3, 4 and 5 minutes postintubation were significantly higher than in group B (p<0.05). Although use of both laryngoscope and ILMA for endotracheal intubation was associated with rise in heart rate, the rise was less with ILMA compared to laryngoscope. Hence, it can be concluded that use of ILMA may be a preferable device for endotracheal intubation laryngoscopy in patients with isolated mitral stenosis.
机译:尚未发现为遏制与常规喉镜气管插管相关的血液动力应激反应而研究的各种药物和方法是不能完全令人满意的。心率的上升可能对二尖瓣狭窄的患者有害。这项研究旨在比较传统二尖瓣狭窄患者使用常规喉镜对气管插管的心率反应,并借助气管插管喉罩气道(ILMA)。 34名成年患者,年龄在18至40岁之间,患有单纯性二尖瓣狭窄,接受闭合二尖瓣合缝术,被随机分为两组:A组(n = 17)-使用喉镜插管。 B组(n = 17)-在ILMA的帮助下插管。刚插入导管之前和插入后每分钟直至头5分钟之前,立即在导入前记录心率。通过统计测试发现,A组在插管后2、3、4和5分钟的中位心率值显着高于B组(p <0.05)。尽管同时使用喉镜和ILMA进行气管插管与心率升高相关,但与喉镜相比,ILMA的上升幅度较小。因此,可以得出结论,对于孤立的二尖瓣狭窄患者,气管内插管喉镜检查可能首选ILMA。



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