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If a tree doesn't fall in a forest . . . ?

机译:如果一棵树没落在森林里。 。 。 ?

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Sleep is a risky business. It involves immobility, lowered metabolism, unconsciousness and dramatically elevated predation risk. That sleep is a ubiquitous behavior in highly developed animals, despite its inherent risks, indicates its importance and evolutionary adaptive value. Put simply, humans, and most animals, need to sleep; yet they also need to wake up if something happens in the environment that signals elevated risk of danger. Fortunately, one important characteristic of sleep, even deep sleep, that makes it different from other forms of unconsciousness (e.g. coma), is that it is rapidly reversible. Arousal thresholds underlying this reversal vary as a function of sleep state, circadian timing, prior sleep debt and many other factors. Clearly, the ability to arouse from sleep requires careful calibration. If the arousal threshold is too high, injury or death could occur. For example, even extremely sleep deprived patients with severe obstructive sleep apnea syndrome will awaken briefly to breathe, although the stimulus required to awaken them (in this case intrathoracic pressure) is much higher than in non-affected individuals. Conversely, if the arousal threshold is too low, sleep will be disrupted and its restorative value diminished. This is the case with some insomnia patients, who will awaken to sounds that most people would comfortably sleep through. The paper in the present issue of Clinical Neurophysiology by Muller-Gass and Campbell (2014) addresses an important question related to how the balance between appropriate awakening and sleep maintenance is regulated; that is, what is the sensitivity of the sleeping nervous system to changes in the external environment.
机译:睡眠是一项冒险的事情。它涉及到动静,新陈代谢降低,意识不清和捕食风险显着提高。尽管存在内在风险,但睡眠是高度发达动物普遍存在的行为,表明其重要性和进化适应性价值。简而言之,人类和大多数动物都需要睡觉。但是,如果环境中发生某些事件,表明存在较高的危险风险,他们也需要唤醒。幸运的是,睡眠(甚至深度睡眠)的一个重要特征使其与其他形式的无意识(例如昏迷)不同,它可以快速逆转。这种逆转的潜在阈值随睡眠状态,昼夜节律,先前的睡眠负担和许多其他因素而变化。显然,唤醒睡眠的能力需要仔细校准。如果唤醒阈值太高,则可能会导致受伤或死亡。例如,即使严重缺乏睡眠的呼吸暂停严重呼吸暂停综合征患者也将短暂地呼吸,尽管唤醒他们所需的刺激(在这种情况下是胸腔内压力)比未患病的个体要高得多。相反,如果唤醒阈值太低,则会破坏睡眠并降低其恢复价值。某些失眠患者就是这种情况,他们会醒来,听起来大多数人都会舒适地入睡。 Muller-Gass and Campbell(2014)在本期《临床神经生理学》中的论文提出了一个重要问题,该问题与如何调节适当的觉醒和维持睡眠之间的平衡有关。也就是说,睡眠神经系统对外部环境变化的敏感性如何?



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