首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Instrument Society of India: Proceedings of the national symposium on instrumentation >Development and evaluation of authoring system of drill and practice e-learning modules for hearing impaired students

Development and evaluation of authoring system of drill and practice e-learning modules for hearing impaired students


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Hearing Impaired (HI) persons need to keep on practicing and repeating their lessons as well as their exercises. Teaching methodology of HI students differ than normal students. HI students need to be involved in practicing more and more using their modes of visual communication like sign language 'to cover their audio disability. Teaching methodology of HI students recommends demonstration and repeating with slow presentations of instructional material. A teacher displays his lesson directly face to face without visual noise. More reinforcement and encouragement to HI students, fun & enjoyment should be strongly included in the e-lessons as well as continuous interaction between teacher and HI students. As per previous factors the decision of researchers is to develop Drill & Practice (D&P) e-learning modules (eLMs) for selected topics like Mathematics. D&P eLMs of Mathematics for HI persons would be the case study of this research including Developing & Evaluating. The authors selected D&P eLMs Because eLMs match the requirements and mechanism of teaching methodology for HI students. The mechanism of developing eLMs is represented by developing an Authoring System which allows teachers of HI persons to generate any eLM of any selected topic for HI students. Also they can generate multiple eLMs in the project. The evaluating producer & tools for the experimental eLMs were view points of Experts through open Questionnaire to list their evaluating comments. Besides view points of experts, there are experiments which were held in real environment of HI students to test the eLMs of D&P of Mathematics to get valuable feed back from them.
机译:听力障碍(HI)的人需要继续练习并重复他们的课程和练习。 HI学生的教学方法与普通学生不同。 HI学生需要越来越多地参与使用他们的视觉交流方式(例如手语)进行练习,以弥补他们的音频障碍。 HI学生的教学方法建议进行示范和重复,并缓慢介绍教学材料。老师直接面对面展示他的课程,没有视觉干扰。在电子课程中,应大力加强和鼓励高中生,娱乐和享受,以及教师和高中生之间的持续互动。根据先前的因素,研究人员的决定是针对诸如数学之类的选定主题开发钻探与实践(D&P)电子学习模块(eLM)。 HI人群的D&P eLM数学将是包括“开发与评估”在内的这项研究的案例研究。作者之所以选择D&P eLM,是因为eLM符合HI学生的教学方法要求和机制。开发eLM的机制以开发创作系统为代表,该系统使HI人员的教师可以为HI学生生成任何选定主题的eLM。他们还可以在项目中生成多个eLM。用于实验性eLM的评估生成器和工具是专家通过公开调查表列出其评估意见的观点。除了专家的观点外,在HI学生的真实环境中还进行了一些实验,以测试D&P的eLM,以从中获得有价值的反馈。



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