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Shishuo xinyu and the Death of Cao Zhang

机译:shi说信誉and the death of C拗Zhang

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Having just enjoyed a fine meal prepared by anonymous hands from ingredients of unknown provenance, I thought it might be nice to talk a bit about death-more specifically, about food and death. But when we wish to talk about food and death in premodern China, we find ourselves in need of taxonomy. Food can be linked with death to make a moral point, as in Mengzi's famous passage on fish and bear paws. There is, of course, death by starvation, as in the cases of Bo Yi and Shu Qi ; there are the savory foods rhetorically displayed to lure back departed souls, as in "Zhao hun" and similar pieces, as well as those laid on for funerals, as in Tao Qian's (365?-427) "Xing ying shen" ; there are the foods found in tombs and even in the gastrointestinal tracts of their occupants-the 138.5 muskmelon seeds discovered in the innards of the presumed Lady Dai of Mawangdui Tomb No. 1, for example.~1 And then there are the treacherous foods, lovely perchance to behold and delicious to eat, that may transport us to another world not by their sweetness on our plates but by virtue of the microbes or viruses they harbor-possibly the fate of Meng Haoran (689-740), who may have been done in by a bit of raw fish.~2 But none of these will concern us here, nor, fortunately, will another area of consumption and mortality-Robber Zhi may have enjoyed a nice pate of human liver now and again, but there is absolutely no place in a post-prandial talk for even the slightest mention of cannibalism. That would be tasteless. Poison, or more precisely, an instance of poisoned food, on the other hand, fits the occasion nicely.
机译:我刚刚享用了由匿名人士用未知来源的食材烹制的美味佳肴,所以我认为最好谈论一下死亡,更具体地说是关于食物和死亡。但是,当我们想谈论前现代中国的粮食与死亡时,我们发现自己需要分类法。食物可以与死亡联系在一起,以达到道德标准,例如孟子关于鱼和熊掌的著名文章。当然,像博伊和舒淇一样,饥饿会导致死亡。有言而喻地展示出的咸味食物,以引诱已亡者,例如“赵匈”及类似作品,以及为葬礼而设的食物,例如陶谦(365?-427)的“兴应身”。在坟墓中甚至在其胃肠道中都有发现的食物-例如,在假定的马王堆第一夫人的戴夫人的内脏中发现的138.5香瓜种子。〜1然后还有奸诈的食物,可爱的表演和美味的饮食,可能会把我们带到另一个世界,而不是因为它们在盘子上的甜味,而是由于微生物或病毒的存在,它们可能怀着孟浩然(689-740)的命运。 〜2但这些都不会在这里引起我们的关注,幸运的是,另一个消费和死亡的领域也不会发生-智治龙可能一次又一次地享受着人类肝脏的滋味,但是在餐后谈话中,即使丝毫提及食人症,也绝对没有任何地方。那将是无味的。另一方面,有毒,或更确切地说,有毒食物实例恰好适合这种情况。



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