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Threats and protection of bryophytes in Sweden


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Sweden has a bryophyte flora of slightly more than 1 000 species. Of these, 24% or 241 taxa are redlisted. Some examples of habitats rich in bryophyte species are described. Forest is the main terrestrial habitat in Sweden. However, 95% of this is being managed and cut for commercial purposes. Among the most important habitats for conservation action today are the remnants of old-growth forests. The major threat to bryophytes is forestry, agriculture, air pollution and lack of knowledge. Deposition of both sulphuric acid and nitrogen compounds is still extensive and has negatively affected the abundance of some species. Damming of water courses for hydroelectric purposes has destroyed many shores along rivers and lakes. Roughly 90% of all larger river systems is affected by dams and by water regulation from reservoir operations. Many riverine habitats are lost and the taxonomic richness has been lowered considerably in water regulated rapids in North Sweden. In the agricultural landscape, the intensified cultivation on fertile soil and the abandonment of poor soils has led to fewer bryophyte species on both arable land and untilled marginal land. The alpine region is the only major landcape in Sweden where the bryophyte flora is considered to be virgin and very little affected by man. The total protected area in Sweden amounts to almost 6% of the total land area of the country and most of this area consists of high-altitude landscapes. However, most redlisted species occur in the lowlands. The protection of species in Sweden is mainly done by establishing nature reserves on known sites and habitats of particular importance for wild plants and animals.



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