首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Sustainable Forestry >Nature and culture in Central Brazil: Panara natural resource concepts and tropical forest conservation. (Special Issue: People in parks - beyond the debate: achieving conservation in human-inhabited protected areas.)

Nature and culture in Central Brazil: Panara natural resource concepts and tropical forest conservation. (Special Issue: People in parks - beyond the debate: achieving conservation in human-inhabited protected areas.)

机译:巴西中部的自然与文化:Panara自然资源概念和热带森林保护。 (特刊:公园里的人们-超出辩论范围:在人类居住的保护区实现保护。)

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The Panara, a Ge tribe of Central Brazil, were nearly exterminated when the government opened a road through the center of their territory in the early 1970s. The survivors were relocated, and 15 yr later returned to reoccupy their remaining territory. The story of the Panara is representative of the Brazilian Indians of the Amazon, who since the 1970s have won recognition of their rights to more than 1 million km2 or 20% of the Amazon - the largest expanse of tropical forest under any form of protection in the world. The article examines how Panara natural resource concepts have informed this process of dislocation and return, as well as their implications for the long-term sustainability of the Panara territory.
机译:Panara是巴西中部的一个Ge部落,当政府在1970年代初开通一条穿越其领土中心的道路时,该濒临灭绝。幸存者被重新安置,并在15年后返回以占领其剩余领土。 Panara的故事代表了亚马逊河巴西印第安人的代表,自1970年代以来,他们赢得了人们对超过1百万公里 2 或亚马逊河20%的所有权的承认,这是亚马逊最大的扩张世界上任何形式的保护的热带森林。本文探讨了Panara自然资源概念如何为这种流离失所和返乡过程提供了信息,以及它们对Panara领土的长期可持续性的影响。



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