首页> 外文期刊>Journal of robotic surgery >Rare use of robotic surgery for removal of large urachal carcinoma

Rare use of robotic surgery for removal of large urachal carcinoma


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Minimally invasive surgery has been used traditionally for removal of colorectal, gastric and gallbladder disease pathologies with great success. Many advantages have been demonstrated with the addition of robotic surgery, such as 3-D visualization, articulation of instruments and improved surgeon ergonomics while operating. These benefits have allowed the implementation of robotic surgery into new areas. We describe here a rare case of a robotic resection of an urachal carcinoma. A 53-year-old female patient presented to her primary care physician (PCP) with a chief complaint of recurrent urinary tract infections. An initial urinary bladder ultrasound showed a large mass anterior and superior to the bladder, thus prompting an abdominal/pelvic MRI, which confirmed a large complex cystic mass anterior to and abutting the urinary bladder (5.4 × 6.7 × 5.9 cm). A follow-up cystoscopy showed no abnormal findings within the bladder. Based on the patient's symptoms and imaging, a careful evaluation by her PCP, oncology and surgical team prompted for the removal of the mass. Because of the uncertainty, complexity and location of the mass the patient was offered surgical treatment with the da Vinci robot. Histopathology revealed an urachal adenocarcinoma, well differentiated. We present that surgical resection of an urachal tumor can be performed with the da Vinci robot. Robotic surgery can add to the benefits seen with the conventional laparoscopic approach and thus can be an accepted method for treatment of abdominal wall masses.
机译:传统上,微创手术已被成功用于清除结直肠,胃和胆囊疾病的病理。通过增加机器人手术,已显示出许多优势,例如3-D可视化,器械的铰接以及操作时改进的外科医生人体工程学。这些好处使机器人手术进入了新的领域。我们在这里描述了一种罕见的机器人切除尿道癌的案例。一名53岁的女性患者就诊于她的初级保健医生(PCP),主要抱怨尿路感染反复发作。最初的膀胱超声检查显示膀胱前部和膀胱上方有大量肿块,因此提示进行腹部/骨盆MRI检查,证实膀胱前部和邻接膀胱有较大的复杂囊性肿块(5.4×6.7×5.9 cm)。膀胱镜检查未发现膀胱内有异常发现。根据患者的症状和影像学,她的PCP,肿瘤学和外科团队进行了仔细的评估,提示切除了肿块。由于不确定性,复杂性和肿块的位置,使用达芬奇机器人为患者提供了手术治疗。组织病理学检查显示出分化良好的尿道腺癌。我们提出,可以用达芬奇机器人对尿道肿瘤进行手术切除。机器人手术可以增加传统腹腔镜手术所见的益处,因此可以成为治疗腹壁肿块的公认方法。



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