首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry: An International Journal Dealing with All Aspects and Applications of Nuclear Chemistry >Concentrations of ~(137)Cs and ~(40)K radionuclides and some heavy metals in soil samples from the eastern part of the Main Ridge of the Flysch Carpathians

Concentrations of ~(137)Cs and ~(40)K radionuclides and some heavy metals in soil samples from the eastern part of the Main Ridge of the Flysch Carpathians


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The aim of the study is to present the results of determination of radioactivity of artificial ~(137)Cs and natural ~(40)K and certain heavy metals in soil samples collected from the eastern part of the Main Ridge of Carpathians, including the Beskid Niski Mts and the Bieszczady Mts. The evaluation of level of radionuclides was based on the bulk density analysis of the soil. A valuable finding of the study was a good linear correlation between the level of ~(137)Cs concentration and bulk density of the soil as well as an inverse correlation between radioactivity of natural ~(40)K and tested soil density. This might indicate though a high competitiveness of these elements between each other. Moreover, a good correlation between the concentrations of artificial element ~(137)Cs and Pb has been also observed in soil samples collected from the Beskid Niski Mts. In most cases, the level of artificial ~(137)Cs was lower comparing to an average ~(137)Cs concentration established for soils in Poland.
机译:该研究的目的是介绍测定从喀尔巴阡山脉主脊东部(包括贝斯基德)采集的土壤样品中的人工〜(137)Cs和天然〜(40)K以及某些重金属的放射性的结果。 Niski山和Bieszczady山。放射性核素水平的评估是基于土壤的堆积密度分析。该研究的重要发现是〜(137)Cs浓度水平与土壤容重之间的良好线性关系,以及天然〜(40)K放射性与测试土壤密度之间的负相关关系。这可能表明这些元素之间具有很高的竞争力。此外,在从Beskid Niski Mts收集的土壤样品中还观察到了人工元素〜(137)Cs和Pb的浓度之间的良好相关性。在大多数情况下,人工〜(137)Cs的水平低于波兰土壤中建立的〜137Cs的平均浓度。



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