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The Current Development of the Ocean Governance Mechanism in China


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A holistic approach to ocean governance in mainland China has yet to be fully developed and thus, improved. In terms of marine legislation, mainland China should concentrate on this neglected aspect, to formulate a "Coastal Bill." Additionally, a comprehensive functional-zoning-based "Oceans Bill" should be suitably drafted, on the basis of the current, "Law on the Administration of the Use of Sea Areas." In terms of marine administration, the State Oceanic Administration should be transformed into a department, which would be responsible for coordinating the scattered central marine administrative bodies and the relationship between the central and local governments in terms of marine affairs. In terms of marine law enforcement, mainland China could start with the establishing of a coordinating body to improve the communication and cooperation of the marine law enforcement bodies and gradually build up an integrated body, enforcing laws at sea. The most recent development in China is the establishment of the "blue economic areas," which put together all the maritime sectors within specific areas. A "joint-up" effort is subject to further observation and would be expected in the forthcoming future.
机译:中国大陆海洋治理的整体方法尚待完善,因此尚待完善。在海洋立法方面,中国大陆应集中于这一被忽视的方面,以制定《沿海法案》。此外,应在现行的《海域使用管理法》的基础上,适当地起草一份基于功能分区的综合性《海洋法案》。在海洋行政方面,应将国家海洋局改组为一个部门,负责协调分散的中央海洋行政机构以及中央与地方政府之间在海洋事务上的关系。在海洋执法方面,中国大陆可以从建立协调机构开始,以改善海洋执法机构的沟通与合作,逐步建立一个综合机构,以执行海上法律。中国的最新发展是建立了“蓝色经济区”,将特定区域内的所有海事部门汇集在一起​​。 “联合”的努力有待进一步观察,并有望在不久的将来进行。



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