首页> 外文期刊>Journal of minimally invasive gynecology >Metroplasty for AFS Class V and VI septate uterus in patients with infertility or miscarriage: reproductive outcomes study.

Metroplasty for AFS Class V and VI septate uterus in patients with infertility or miscarriage: reproductive outcomes study.

机译:不育或流产患者的AFS V级和VI级子宫造口术可分隔子宫:生殖结局研究。

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To assess reproductive outcomes in patients after surgical correction of septate uterus.Observational retrospective study (Canadian Task Force classification II-2).Two university hospitals.One hundred twenty-eight patients with primary infertility or recurrent miscarriage with partial (American Fertility Society [AFS] class Va), complete (AFS class Vb), or fundic (AFS class VI) septate uterus. Metroplasty is the current method of choice for surgically correcting septate uterus. The procedure and its indications are a matter of debate.Metroplasty via hysteroscopy.Outcomes including the numbers of pregnancies, first live births (FLBs), and miscarriages were determined. After metroplasty, 78 women (60.9%) became pregnant, and 70 live neonates were delivered. The FLB rate in infertile women was 53.1%. Of the 25 pregnancies, 13 (52%) resulted from assisted reproductive technology. In women who experienced recurrent miscarriage, the miscarriage rate was significantly improved. Outcomes (miscarriages and FLBs) differed significantly according to anatomical type of septum after surgery.Hysteroscopic septum resection is accompanied by safe improvement in reproductive performance in patients with symptoms of AFS class V/VI septate uterus.
机译:评估手术矫正分隔子宫后患者的生殖结果。观察性回顾性研究(加拿大工作组分类II-2)。两所大学医院。一百二十八名原发性不育或部分流产的反复流产患者(美国生育协会[AFS] [] Va级,完全(AFS Vb级)或胃底(AFS VI级)分隔子宫。子宫成形术是目前通过手术矫正子宫分隔的方法。该手术及其适应症尚有争议。通过宫腔镜进行子宫成形术。确定包括妊娠,首次活产(FLB)和流产的结果。进行子宫成形术后,有78名妇女(占60.9%)怀孕,并分娩了70名活新生儿。不育妇女的FLB率为53.1%。在25例怀孕中,有13例(52%)来自辅助生殖技术。在经历反复流产的妇女中,流产率显着提高。手术后隔垫的解剖类型不同,结果(流产和FLB)也有显着差异。宫腔镜隔垫切除术可安全改善AFS V / VI级隔垫子宫症状的患者的生殖性能。



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