首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Korean Forestry Society >Site and Growth Characteristics of Maackia amurensis Rupr. et Max. Stand at Mt. Joongwang, Gangwon Province, Korea

Site and Growth Characteristics of Maackia amurensis Rupr. et Max. Stand at Mt. Joongwang, Gangwon Province, Korea


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This study was conducted to investigate the site and growth characteristics of Maackia amurensis stand in natural forest of Mt. Joongwang, Pyongchang-Gun, Gangwon-Do, Korea. The 28 sample plots (30 mX 30 m) were established to examine the vegetation and site characteristics for M. amurensis stand. Stem analysis was performed on two sample trees for each of the 5 plots situated at intervals of 100 m by altitude. M. amurensis trees were mainly distributed at the ridge and the slope facing north, with altitudes ranging from 790 to 1,170 m. The M. amurensis grew at relatively deep A-layer of soil with high moisture but infertile. Dominant species with M. amurensis were Quercus mongolica, Fraxinus rhynchophylla, Acer pseudo-sieboldianum, A. pictum subsp.mono, Ulmus davidiana var. japonica, Tilia amurensis, and Populus davidiana. TWINSPAN classified four communities in Mt. Joongwang area; M. amurensis-P. davidiana community (xeric type), M, amurensis-U. davidiana var. japonica community (xeric type), M.amurensis-T. amurensis community (moist type), and M. amurensis-Styrax obassia community (moist type). According to the community type, trees per ha were more abundant in the area of the moist types than the xeric types. Height growth of M. amurensis increased with increasing ages until 10 years, and then decreased thereafter, especially at altitude of 1,020m. M. amurensis showed rapid early growth of height and volume, indicating possible high biomass production under enough light. Growth of M. amurensis increased greatly at about 40 years if released from severe competitions. The rotation age of natural M. amurensis stand was expected for above 50 years.
机译:本研究旨在探讨山毛榉天然林中毛ack的立地和生长特征。韩国江原道平昌郡重旺市。建立了28个样地(30 mX 30 m),以检查紫茉莉林分的植被和立地特征。对于位于海拔100 m处的5个样地中的每一个,对两棵样品树进行茎分析。紫霞木主要分布在山脊和朝北的山坡上,海拔在790-1170m之间。紫花苜蓿生长在土壤相对较深的A层,土壤湿度高但不育。阿穆尔木霉的优势种为蒙古栎,毛白蜡木,假山ie宏,、 A。pictum subsp.mono,Ulmus davidiana var。粳稻,紫ilia和山杨。 TWINSPAN将山中的四个社区分类。琼旺地区;沙门氏菌davidiana社区(干旱型),M,amurensis-U。大卫河粳稻群落(干型),M.amurensis-T。 amurensis群落(湿润型)和M. amurensis-Styrax obassia群落(湿润型)。根据群落类型,在湿润类型区域,每公顷树木比干性类型的树木丰富。直到10岁,紫花苜蓿的高度增长都随着年龄的增长而增加,此后下降,特别是在1,020m的高度。紫茉莉(M. amurensis)的高度和体积显示出快速的早期生长,表明在足够的光照下可能产生大量生物量。如果从激烈的竞争中释放出来,那么紫花苜蓿的生长在大约40年时会大大增加。天然M. amurensis林分的旋转年龄预计超过50年。



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