首页> 外文期刊>Journal of managed care pharmacy : >Assessment of the appropriateness of serum digoxin concentration measurement in a medical group setting.

Assessment of the appropriateness of serum digoxin concentration measurement in a medical group setting.


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BACKGROUND: Recent quality initiatives require that the routine annual therapeutic drug-monitoring (TDM) parameters for the high-risk medication digoxin include a measure of renal function and a serum potassium level but not a serum digoxin concentration (SDC) measurement. Several studies have shown that the majority of the SDCs obtained in hospital settings provide little clinically actionable information. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the appropriateness and utility of SDCs ordered in a medical group practice setting by categorizing the reason the SDC was ordered and identifying action taken in response to the result. METHODS: The descriptive study was conducted as a retrospective, electronic medical record (EMR) review of 90 primary care patients with continuous prescriptions for digoxin current on their medication profile with no gaps in therapy for at least 2 years prior to an SDC result entered into the EMR between January 1, 2009, and September 30, 2009. The reason the SDC was ordered was abstracted independently by 2 reviewers, who then assigned it to 1 of 8 predefined indication categories based on previously published criteria and practice guidelines. A third reviewer resolved inter-reviewer discrepancy (n = 1). RESULTS: A total of 90 patients with at least 1 SDC met inclusion criteria. Routine monitoring was the most frequent SDC order indication category with 35 patients (38.9%), 17 (48.6%) of whom did not have the recommended monitoring measures of potassium or renal function drawn concurrently. Patients were included in other categories as follows: confirmation of signs/symptoms of toxicity 30 (33.3%); assessment of factors altering pharmacokinetics 5 (5.6%); assessment of dosage change 5 (5.6%); assessment of drug interaction 3 (3.3%); assessment of clinical response 3 (3.3%); assessment of adherence 1 (1.1%); and other 2 (2.2%). Across all categories, a total of 19 (21.1%) of SDC results were outside the therapeutic range of 0.5 nanograms (ng) per mL and 2.0 ng per mL, 18 of which were below 0.5 ng per mL, with none of the subtherapeutic levels leading to a change in digoxin therapy. Only 1 patient (1.1%) had therapy changed in response to an elevated abnormal SDC result of 2.1 ng per mL and was in the routine monitoring category. CONCLUSIONS: The majority of SDC results obtained in our medical group setting did not lead to clinical action, such as dose adjustment or drug discontinuation. SDCs were commonly measured as part of routine monitoring, which is considered an inappropriate indication, and often without being accompanied by better markers for digoxin toxicity such as serum potassium levels and measures of renal function as recommended by drug-monitoring quality initiatives. Provider education is needed regarding the most indicative digoxin TDM parameters to obtain in order to satisfy quality initiatives.
机译:背景:最近的质量举措要求高危药物地高辛的常规年度治疗药物监测(TDM)参数包括肾功能和血清钾水平的测量值,而不是血清地高辛浓度(SDC)的测量值。多项研究表明,在医院环境中获得的大多数SDC几乎没有提供可用于临床的信息。目的:通过对订购SDC的原因进行分类并确定对结果采取的措施,来评估在医疗团体执业环境中订购的SDC的适当性和实用性。方法:该描述性研究是对90例接受地高辛电流连续处方的基层医疗患者进行回顾性电子病历(EMR)审查,这些患者的药物状况在SDC结果输入之前至少有两年没有治疗空白在2009年1月1日至2009年9月30日期间的EMR中。订购SDC的原因由2位审阅者独立提取,然后根据以前发布的标准和实践准则将其分配给8个预定义适应症类别中的1个。第三位审稿人解决了审稿人之间的差异(n = 1)。结果:总共90例至少1例SDC符合入选标准。常规监测是最常见的SDC指示指征类别,其中35例(38.9%),其中17例(48.6%)没有同时建议的钾或肾功能监测建议措施。将患者包括在其他类别中,如下:确认中毒症状/症状30(33.3%);评估改变药代动力学的因素5(5.6%);剂量变化评估5(5.6%);药物相互作用评估3(3.3%);临床反应评估3(3.3%);依从性评估1(1.1%);其他2个(2.2%)。在所有类别中,总共19例(21.1%)SDC结果超出0.5毫微克(ng)/ mL和2.0 ng / mL的治疗范围,其中18项低于0.5 ng / mL,均未达到亚治疗水平导致地高辛疗法的改变。由于常规SDC结果异常升高(2.1 ng / mL),只有1名患者(1.1%)改变了治疗方法,属于常规监测类别。结论:在我们的医疗组中获得的大多数SDC结果均未导致临床作用,例如剂量调整或停药。通常将SDC作为常规监测的一部分进行测量,这被认为是不适当的适应症,并且通常不伴有更好的地高辛毒性标志物,如药物监测质量倡议所建议的血清钾水平和肾功能指标。供应商需要获得有关最具指示性的地高辛TDM参数的培训,以便满足质量要求。



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