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Retrogressive failures recorded in mass transport deposits in the Ursa Basin, Northern Gulf of Mexico


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Clay-rich mass transport deposits (MTDs) in the Ursa Basin, Gulf of Mexico, record failures that mobilized along extensional failure planes and transformed into long runout flows. Failure proceeded retrogressively: scarp formation unloaded adjacent sediment causing extensional failure that drove successive scarp formation updip. This model is developed from three-dimensional seismic reflection data, core and log data from Integrated Ocean Drilling Project (IODP) Expedition 308, and triaxial shear experiments. MTDs are imaged seismically as low-amplitude zones above continuous, grooved, high-amplitude basal reflections and are characterized by two seismic facies. A Chaotic facies typifies the downdip interior, and a Discontinuous Stratified facies typifies the headwalls/sidewalls. The Chaotic facies contains discontinuous, high-amplitude reflections that correspond to flow-like features in amplitude maps: it has higher bulk density, resistivity, and shear strength, than bounding sediment. In contrast, the Discontinuous Stratified facies contains relatively dim reflections that abut against intact pinnacles of parallel-stratified reflections: it has only slightly higher bulk density, resistivity, and shear strength than bounding sediment, and deformation is limited. In both facies, densification is greatest at the base, resulting in a strong basal reflection. Undrained shear tests document strain weakening (sensitivity = 3). We estimate that failure at 30 meters below seafloor will occur when overpressure = 70% of the hydrostatic effective stress: under these conditions soil will liquefy and result in long runout flows.
机译:墨西哥湾Ursa盆地中富含粘土的大众运输沉积物(MTD)记录了沿伸展破坏平面移动并转化为长跳动流的破坏。破坏是渐进式的:陡峭的岩层形成使邻近的沉积物卸载,导致延伸破坏,导致连续的陡峭的岩层俯冲。该模型是根据三维地震反射数据,来自综合海洋钻探计划(IODP)远征308的岩心和测井数据以及三轴剪切实验开发的。 MTD在地震上成像为连续,开槽,高振幅基础反射之上的低振幅区域,并具有两个地震相。混乱的相代表下垂的内部,不连续的分层相代表顶壁/侧壁。混沌相包含不连续的高振幅反射,与振幅图中的流状特征相对应:与边界沉积物相比,它具有更高的堆积密度,电阻率和剪切强度。相反,不连续的层状相包含相对较暗的反射,与平行层状反射的完整顶峰邻接:其堆积密度,电阻率和剪切强度仅比边界沉积物稍高,并且变形受到限制。在这两个相中,基底的致密作用最大,导致强烈的基底反射。不排水的剪切测试表明应变减弱(灵敏度= 3)。我们估计,当超压=静水有效应力的70%时,会在海底以下30米处发生破坏:在这种情况下,土壤会液化并导致较长的跳动流。



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